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Clocks losing settings

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Hi folks,


On my '94 2ltr 16v I have a bizarre problem with the clocks.


Everytime I switch off the ignition, the clock resets it's time and the MFA loses all it's values on both memories.


I assume the problem is a permanent Live connection somewhere.

I thought though that the clocks have a multiplug connecting all the wiring to them. Seems unlikely one wire could be broken?


Don't know if it's related but the interior lights, sunroof switch and sun-visor light don't work either :(


The water temp gauge seems to be on the blink as well.

It seems to sit around 70 degrees most of the time.

Is this normal?


This car's turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

Spent £300 on parts so far since last week! :mad:


Most expensive part being a Lambda sensor.

85 feckin' quid from VW as it had to be genuine. :(

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I'm not sure about a solution, but I was under the impression that clocks that reset themselves was a sign of clocking... :?

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Clocking! :( Uh oh.

I checked all the old MOT's and service history when I bought the car.

I'll have a look again later.


Not sure if it's eveytime I switch off or everytime I restart.

I'll test this later too.

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check your fuses... There's a fuse (which also does the interior light IIRC) which will knock out the clock and MFA when the ignition is off if it's blown...


Had this on H-YYU when I bought her... Pretty certain it's a 5A fuse too... 8)


Dodgy MFAs are a sign of clocking when they do odd things (like displaying odd characters or impossible results) or when the milage starts doing odd things, not when it turns off as predictably as this... ;)

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Thanks for the re-assuring words Henny 8)


Only just in from work so no time to check fuses tonight.

I'll take a look tomorrow.

Cheers! :)

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Reason I asked if the clocks reset when the car is turned off or when it is restarted is that I had a mk3 golf once and the clocks used to reset themselves almost every time I started the car up. Turned out to be the ignition switch causing the problem.

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Mine does this too. its kinda intermittant tho! some times it will remember the info, sometimes it wont!! pretty sure its not clocked tho!!

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