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Mileage approaching 98k... advice please

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Well, the VR is approaching 98 thousand miles, and really just wanted some advice off you guys as to anything important to look out for or servicing etc.


Lion Garage in Leicester (Local VW 'Specialist') said that it should have a "FULL SERVICE" which costs around £200 :shock:


Dont really know whether i should give it to them or use Stealth etc?


Really just wanted to get advice on what to make sure i do or check to keep the car running sweet, and avoid any major costs cos i didnt do something when i should have.

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i'll get in before anyone else... timing chains! they may not need doing yet but its worth checking.


i thought the same thing... are these what in a normal car would be cambelts? I ask this because i suggested it to Lion, but they were ranting on about them being metal and not usually a requirement. :?

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Full service sounds about right to me, there is not to much to worry about with the car on a whole if it has been looked after and INHO 90-100k in a corrado is nothing (if it has been looked after)


You will find those old funny little things coming to get you though, if not already, like the sunroof, the heater only working on setting 4, all are easy enough to fix!

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At 98K, focus on the chains above anything else. A £200 service will most likely be brake fluid, engine oil, coolant, greasing of all hinges and locks, chassis check, fluid top ups etc etc. All of which any independant can do for less.


Unfortunately VW dealers still know nothing about the chain setup. They just look in a book and there is no service schedule for them. It's thanks to resources like this and garages like Stealth that know different.


Dealers merely sell cars. To have it looked after post sale..... don't use a dealer, they're too biased toward their own procedures which don't cut the mustard. Changing consumables they can cope with. Major surgery throws a spanner in the works.

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