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Hello from the Dutch Motorway / Apres Karmann!!

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Couldn't resist.. as soon as I had GPRS coverage, I had to get a post up. Currently cruising down the A30 to Amsterdam in Tempests G60 with a MK1 Scirocco and 2cc's VR as well. We've had a top time and have loads of pictures and history to share when we get back.. will be posting in a day or so, so see you then! :)

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Glad to hear your safe and well after Saturday night! I think we made the right decision in leaving Saturday evening - had a great meal in Hoek van Holland and then a 2 minute trip to the ferry in the morning, so actually managed to catch some zeds, pretty important for me. The drive took about 3.5 hours in the end, including stopping to reattach parts that came loose due to high-speed wind effects!


I'm just recovering on my lack of sleep now - thank God I booked another day off work!


Anyhow, yeah, great trip, thanks to Tempest for his commitment and organisation, and great to meet you guys.



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Heh heh, you're even more of a geek than I thought, Jim ;)


Look forward to seeing the pics! 8)



Edit: Please don't double post :lol:

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Phew.. back..


Checked on Tempests trip computer and a grand total of 1,100 miles covered this past five days. Had a terrific time, I really have. Copying pics as I speak but bed time first.. will look at uploading and resizing a few of my collection tomorrow if work isn't too busy..



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Back again, well obviously, if Jim's back, so am I :lol:


I assume everyone on my convoy, i.e. the GB and Eire parts (the latter still on a pan-EU cruise) had a good time ;-) I certainly did, even though I am struggling at work. Thanks to you all for joining in! :-)


Our little convoy started off with my G60 driven by Jim to meet up with Pauli and Keith (Leningrad Cowboy) on the A12 to then join up with Chris (2cc) and Steve (Supercharged) on the way into Harwich, where we met up with Sean and his tidy Mk1 Storm from the Scirocco Register.


On the Dutch side I then guided our 4-car convoy to the village where my parents live, had a bit of a high-speed play on the 1st bit of German Autobahn :lol:, and enjoyed our first beers on German soil.


The next morning we set off to Osnabrück, being joined by a German mate of mine from the area with a tidy as heck 1974 Mk1 Scirocco (a minter). We arrived well on time at the initial meet-up place, where a good number of folks from the German Sciroccoforum had already assembled, including my mate Dirk with his Hornstein cabrio Mk2 Rocco.


In a 20 or so car convoy we set off the last few km to Karmann, made a big U-turn right in front of their offices (they always love that), were guided into the Karmann car park by Schwebe and Breford themselves (Schwebe=ex-chief design engineer at Karmann, incl. Scirocco and Rado, Breford=responsible for plastic trim bits, procurement, design, still at Karmann).


Shortly thereafter we were given a quick intro to Karmann, history etc. before going on 2 guided tours through the factory. We (all the GB and Eire folks) had our own guided tour (in German), with yours truly being the translator :lol:) Thanks for the interesting questions, folks! :-)


The private car collection was next, with 3 Rados on display, one mint Mk2 Scirocco as well as various other design studies and production cars that Karmann have built throughout their existence.


I was then entrusted with leading the whole lot of 20 or so cars to the camping site, immediately forgetting the art of how to get a 20-car convoy across the first roundabout :lol: This led to a bit of local roundabout blockage, honking horns etc. :lol: We got there in the end :-)


On-site the BBQs were alredy running, we went for our 1st beers, pitched our tents, and just chilled out.


The evening went on with more food, booze etc.


Saturday morning after breakfast and some more instructions on how to navigate roundabouts without breaking the convoy (dead-simple, BTW!), 20 cars set off on the express route to a local car museum, where my mate Dirk left his Hornstein behind for display in the museum during the winter months.


We then convoy'ed on to a local ICE exhibition, where it's pretty likely that we pulled off the cup for farthest travelled club :-)


Back at the camping judging of all cars commenced by 3 judges, 2 of whom were Karmann employees (Breford and Mario, who still today work on the assembly lines, now builidng Crossfires).


The great result was that Sean with his Mk1 Storm Rocco pulled off 1st prize for his Rocco and Chris walked away with 3rd prize best Rado :-) Well done, folks!


That evening we all, after having listened to Schwebe and his endless stories from his time at Karmann, the Rado and Rocco, as well as Breford trying to sell a ultra-rare Rado (exhibition vehicle built for the Paris motor show in 1988, one-off everything, paintwork, leather trim, 16V KR engine, too much to list, €4000 and willing to negotiate!!!) and answer further Karmann questions, settled down to do some serious business :-)


The next morning we were guided though the great scenery of the Teutoburger Wald around Osnabrück to Tecklenburg and did a bit of sight-seeing there, after the largest part of 50 cars had left by then on their homeward journey.


Sunday evening we went to refuel in a neighbouring town (where they did have 98 octane fuel) only to find another local Rado pull up, inspect our Rados, and ultimately we joined them to a little local VW meet, 2 more Rados turned up :-) )


Sunday evening it was time for the last German beers, Monday morning we shortly before leaving for the ferry port again, raided the local Lidl supermarket :lol:, and went on our home journey (great thing to have airco with those hot outside temperatures is all I can say, not to mention the cruise-control that Jim seemed to enjoy most :lol:).


Shame that because both Jim and I had to return onto the daily treadmill (have even got no time to write this without my business colleague throwing work at me), we couldn't do a quick stop at Supercharged's place to have a look at his 2 Rados.


Well and that's all I can write, as I'm being tied back to the bench again :lol:


Piccies galore will appear shortly, no doubt.



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Got a list of work as long as my arm so pics are going to have to wait :(


That rare Corrado is a damn good buy though.. myself and Steve were penning a big 'for sale' advert for it with all the details about it. A genuine piece of Corrado history, albeit one that needs a fair bit of work to bring it up to scratch. But a bespoke interior and one off paintwork as well as history of it actually being used as a 'show car' at various motorshows when VW were introducing the Corrado means its a real steal.


With regards Karmann / Corrado history, we all sat round the laptop on the ferry home to pen a bit of history and some of the unique info we learned over the 5 days thanks to the Karmann guys who joined us. Was at nearly 3 A4 pages before we disembarked and no doubt Steve will be posting that up reasonably soon... helps clear up a few myths and answer a few questions! :)

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Thats a lot of pics!


Who has 2cc got on his arm in the group pic :wink:


And to the old lady who must still drive that lovely white 'rocco :salute: :notworthy:

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2cc was out sharking around like you wouldn't believe.. the two girls draped over that Audi, he managed to convince into having a quick photo with as well!

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Yeah I spotted that one Xbones, quality bit of work.


and Jim I am not suprised.. no doubt I am going to find out all about it

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Who has 2cc got on his arm in the group pic


I forgot her name :oops:, but she's the girlfriend of the cahp wearing a black clothes in the centre of the group shot (2 left from 2cc).


And to the old lady who must still drive that lovely white 'rocco


That would be Irmgard. She joined us later on that day as well together with Martin, effectively the head-honcho organiser, the guy with the contacts to Karmann. Yes, quite fascinating seeing the age range of enthusiasts. Roccos and Rados are simply for everyone with taste :-)


I like those shots of Willi Schwebe in action, too, that one piccie where he told us about the rain drain, sunk into the roof of a Mk2 Rocco, the first car ever to have such a rain drain. VW didn't want it, and thanks to Schwebe our Rados now also have these rain drains. Obviously all cars today now have this type of rain drain. That man was full of stories of his time at Karmann, his 350000 km Rado (never needed a single G-Lader overhaul!!!, it's still running that car!!), the cars he designed at Karmann etc. Schwebe left with tears in his eyes that evening, wanting to have stayed so much longer, but his wife's friend had a birthday party that he needed to go to as well. Still we had Breford to ask all sorts of questions, and between them there was really nothing they didn't know.


Cool pics, but why don't we have this gif over on this forum

Well, the Sciroccoforum.de quietly allow that one, as the logo is still wrong, should ideally be a Karmann-logo :-)



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Heh.. firstly a picture of the most 'abused' car on the forum i'd say. I think this one gets more attention than even corradowales' car does..

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And a fraction of the view we normally got when going round junctions, joining Autobahns, etc...

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The 'girl in red' is called Natalie, Ritchies fiance.


Temp change of avatar as a little taster of how much fun we had.

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I've had a real busy day.

Got back home at 1305 after staying over with Supercharged.

My round trip figures (computer 2):

25 hr 59 mins

31.2 mpg

1,098 miles

42 mph

Unpacked, had lunch etc, then took over my new house at 1530, and been there for a while.

Now off to night shift early to get the VR on the ramp and see how loose my cat shield really is - it suddenly started rattling as we drove into Nordhorn on Monday(?) evening.


PS Did an oil change before the trip; she has not used a single drop.

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And a fraction of the view we normally got when going round junctions, joining Autobahns, etc...


Looks like I sorted my lights out, then! (And bloody hell, I'm actually indicating).


Tempest, thanks again for all your efforts - great weekend, and I know Keith enjoyed it as well, especially getting a glimpse of the production line.


Hey, if I had known that our cars were going to be judged on Saturday night, I might have foregone a decent nights sleep. Still, I can be safe in the knowledge that I would have carried off the trophy for... most verbally abused car? Good on the guys for winning, though, especially Sean - his Scirocco was peachy!

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Sounds like an ace trip guys!! I think you probably had a bit more of a crazy time than us E38 lot, but it's a close call.


Maybe again in a few months time, eh? ;)

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I think you probably had a bit more of a crazy time than us E38 lot


We're just not reaaally letting on yet, if you ignore all those incriminating piccies on the German forum (those are only a selection, the real stuff is winging its way on DVD over to me).


Thanks for the flowers, guys, but it was a pleasure to get involved in organising this trip, both on this side of the pond as well as on the German side (that's why I occasionally disappeared again, when there was a roll-call amongst the orga-team folk :lol:).


Thanks also for actually joining in :-)


Those pictures of long convoys are always a beauty to see :-) Seems some idiot in a white Rado is leading that one again :roll: :lol:



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We've got the trophy for farthest travelled club at that ICE show as well. Just had news come through :-) It's a 30 cm high jobbie, BUT best of all, or not:


My mate, who collected the trophy on our behalf, and will keep it till when I go over again to collect it from him, got a snog from BOTH those lovely ladies on either side of Chris in 2cc's avatar :shock:


Now, I bet that a certain member by the name of 2cc is just kicking himself for not having gone back to the ICE event on Sunday afternoon :lol:



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Great Trip!


Glad everyone got home safely and a hope the new house is good Chris!


Eric - thanks again for your superb organisation and translation!


Had to laugh when I read this post (The only word I recognise is the last one!)


Autor: Zoran [FlaPo] [Forum-Telefon: 3925]

Datum: 04.09.05 22:36


War TOP - fürs nächste Jahr schon vorgemerkt.


Auch von mir nochmal ein großes Lob an das No Name Team !


Und die Stories vom Herrn Schwebe waren ja mal richtig geil .


Achja, eh ichs vergess:



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