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Is my VR6 about to be smoked?

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Ok,here's the deal:My mate has recently bought a Golf GTI anniversary, and fancies his chances in a race against my C.Now this isn't normally the kind of thing i do,but it would be rude to turn down the challenge. :twisted:

It's a reasonably short race(maybe 1-1.5 miles)on private ground of course.My C is a standard VR6 storm,his Golf is a 2003 2.0,possibly turbo?..im not sure if it's the FSi or whatever,and is petrol 6 speed.

So,what do you think fellow enthusiasts?.I'm reasonably confident,but i wonder if a ten year old car can outpace a quick nearly new one.

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If its the Anni petrol, it will be turbo - its 180BHP.


Dunno.. I think the VR has a pretty good chance against it. According to the figures, the 0-60 of the 180BHP 1.8T is less as is the top speed.. you should nail it!

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Yip,good info guys.I cant remember what the torque for the VR6 is off the top of my head though.180?

Like i said this isn't normally my thing,so is it best to give it heavy throttle in 1st,or should you press the accelarator smoothly for less wheel spin?

It may also be slightly uphill,but top speed should be arrived at by then.

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personally i'd take it easy on the launch, gentle to start with until you've got traction, then floor it. Takes alot of practice to get stig-like starts with the right ballance of wheel spin and grip, so in a race situation i tend to not even try! 9 times out of 10 you find the other guy gives it too much hoof and you get ahead while hes making smoke and rubbery smells.

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I never ever do a full bore rev engine to red and dump clutch kinda launch - just nice moderate revs, about 3000RPM and then go for it - the VR traction control isn't too hot but it should help get you off the line without too much spin!


Bear in mind the Golf has decent traction control so he'll be able to just floor it and not have to worry about it.. unless of course you can sneak into the cabin before the race and disable it by pressing the override button for it.. :D :D If you fancy being underhanded, there should be, near the 4 way flasher button, a button with a 3 letter abberviation (like EDL) or sommat - press that, light will come on the dash to signify that its disabled. He probably won't know what it is and just go for it anyway... ;)

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Now we're talking.It just so happens that i will have access to the cabin,and allied to my pitiful lack of morals and conscience i will lend my stubby digits to the pressing of said button. :notworthy:

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You should smoke him after about 60. from prior experience he will be ahead upto about 50 when the torque in 2nd will pick up and tou will draw levelish, 3re is your gear. things just go balistic after 4500 rpm and he will be wondering why he tried. :D oh the joys of VR ownership.

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I agree, my advice as VR owner would be, take it easy with the throttle in 1st gear, ease it down so about half way down by 2k and give it full throttle at3k, then change up about 5.5k.

3rd gear is where you will take him out, 3.5-5.5k it's game over! LOL.

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Also worth having barely enough petrol in your tank to get you through the race - no point in lugging excess weight around :)


However, if your route involves bendy bits as well, you'd better hope your rear axle bushes have been replaced at the very least...

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Oh - and whip out your spare wheel, and jack, and any other tat you may have in the boot - again, it all helps ;)


Try and convince him to get a mate onboard with a camera so he can film him 'kicking your ass' - just give him a little extra ballast and film the real defeat ;)

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Try and convince him to get a mate onboard with a camera so he can film him 'kicking your ass' - just give him a little extra ballast and film the real defeat ;)


You're evil :evil: :lol:

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Jesus.I never thought of all that stuff.

I can't believe i'm actually getting nervous.Haven't really blasted the C that much,only had it a short while.Consider all these tips done.I like the naked thingy,thats good.Might be the ideal time to give the heated seats a workout too.

All will be revealed,ahem,tomorrow.Just going out to give Rowdy(my C)a pep talk before the big day.He better be on his game.

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Parkers specs for the Golf Anniversary:



If its the same 1.8T used in audi's then you 'should' beat him if yours is running right. my vr is pretty much standard and i've beaten an a3 1.8t, and suprisingly a s3 in an uphill sprint, although that was very close.


You're not the only one. I know it looks like i jumped the start here, but I didn't, and I got a better 1/4 time (which doesn't include reaction time) than this S3 twice in a row. :-P




Also here's one of me against a 306 GTi-6. Gotta love the VR6, still faster than almost all the modern VWs. 8)





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Good stuff kebabman!

is your VR standard? looks like it ran faster than 16.8


Yep standard apart from K&N panel filter and a Scorpion cat-back, best run was 14.9...but I've never matched that since. I'd say my average is about 15.4, which is what that run was. Not bad for 134k miles. :lol:

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And while you are reducing weight you may as well take the water out of the washer reservoir but leave the brake fluid alone, you WILL need it at the end of the sprint :lol:

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