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Should I highten the ride?

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cheers GIXXERUK & Jim...


guys it was Kev who started saying things abt having a car to low & us apprantly moaning abt cars rubbing etc... I dont have an issue with it.. so not fussed...


each to there own & everything...


I aint got no problem with anyone here.. like to keep it that way unless some1 has an issue I'd be happy to speak to them face to face..


cheers all..

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love the look of decked corrados like ballys and furks, but I couldnt drive it day-to-day, i cringe enough at the splitter scraping over speed bumps... i think i'd be stopping the car to check underneith if i heard the sump/chassis scrape the floor. as has been said, each to their own.


as for the handbag situation, calm down chaps! seems a couple of gentle micky-taking prods have been taken the wrong way.

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[/immature schoolboy]


Now now lads, let's keep it civil


[/impersonation of a policeman]


Back to my question, you guys with the crazy lowered cars, have you all taken off the heatshield?

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love the look of decked corrados like ballys and furks, but I couldnt drive it day-to-day, i cringe enough at the splitter scraping over speed bumps... i think i'd be stopping the car to check underneith if i heard the sump/chassis scrape the floor. as has been said, each to their own.


as for the handbag situation, calm down chaps! seems a couple of gentle micky-taking prods have been taken the wrong way.


unfortunately thats the thing chris unlike the VR6 where if you lower it to a certain height the sump becomes an issue the G60 doesnt rub anywhere apart from the rubber/plastic spoiler which is easily replaceable anyways....unless of course speedbumps where the subframe may catch


no handbag here mate jus a dose of something that makes you wish you was born a woman :lol: (snatch) :lol:

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hey kev at least u got coilovers now,,, dont have to rely on half a ton of sound deadning to lower ya car :lol: :lol:


Half a ton? More like 2.63 tonnes :-)


Nice to see my little stirring of the hornets nest is still going strong, LOL! :lol:


Everybody has their biting point but it's all good banter :-P


Yeah the coils have allowed me to go down a whopping 15mm more, well, that's more through choice than limitation of the coils as there are various ramps and things I need to get up and scraping noises aren't pleasant.


Actually, how far are you low riders off the floor? Forget 100mm etc drops and all that.....measure from the floor to centre of the arch to get the real drop. I'm interested to know as I think a page with several corrados viewed side-on with their respective drops next to em would help people decide what kits to go for.

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hey kev at least u got coilovers now,,, dont have to rely on half a ton of sound deadning to lower ya car :lol: :lol:


Half a ton? More like 2.63 tonnes :-)


i under estimated your studpidity :lol: i apologise

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I wouldn't say dynamatting is stupid exactly.... and someone calling me stupid that can't even spell the word is the ultimate irony :lol:

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kevhaywire, maybe he's in awe of your stud-ness ;)



I vote I do the tractor side-on view! 8)

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Nice one.. kev decided to join us :lol:


funny how things get twisted.. your a funny bloke Kev...


dynamatting all good.. next on the to doo list.. & no its not to get car lower.. :lol:


Im abit bored of this subject now.. :roll: :lol:


Furks.. you need to check yr spelling otherwise you'll be on detention for yr spelling :lol:


as for pics against ride heights etc... sounds good.. atleast I wont have to reply to the threads anymore :D

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Bally, yeah I'm a funny bloke alright, you're not wrong.....


I would explain the circumstances of my rash changes of opinion on things but it would take ages and you'd fall asleep :-) All I can say on the H&Rs is they came up at a good price and I couldn't refuse, slapped em on and I was totally surprised by them.....but I'm only 10 or so mm lower than the old koni setup....I'll get some pics up.


Yeah lets move on from the slamming v tractor debate now....


On the ride height thread, you'd obviously be at the lower end of the heigh spectrum but some inbetweens would be good for comparison ;-)

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On the ride height thread, you'd obviously be at the lower end of the heigh spectrum but some inbetweens would be good for comparison ;-)


thats where you VR6 boys come in




spolling misfake was done of purpose :lol:

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seems a good idea , the pics of rado's side on with the ground to arch measurement kev


OR should i say Stuart Corrigan !!! yes your plot has been foiled ,kev hayward in his 4x4 corrado during the day but Stuart Corrigan the lowest of low riders by night , come out of the closet kev you've been outed :lol:

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Personally.....jack it up to 60cm from floor to arch at the rear and 59cm at the front. That is, I've found (with a 90mm spoiler) the best compromise between slammage and useability. It's literally only 5mm or so higher than you have already.


Slamming is for gee boys who don't know how to set up suspension properly and think the mid 90s sump scraping look is still cool, it ain't. A balanced ride height earns more respect.




More respect from who?

Middle aged/Old men who have nothing better to do then spend money on fast cars to make them selves feel better?




True, but I know how much suspesion travel there is once you drop below a certain point, i.e very little. I drive mine VERY hard and I set it up so it doesn't bottom out on the **** roads I have to put up with on a daily basis. There's a particular nasty B road that looks like a tractor has ploughed it, but I take that at 100mph..... whoopy me, aren't I a hero, but I know for a fact if I drop it below 50mm, it will ground out.


I'm not saying you're a wuss behind the wheel but surely you can appreciate that if the wishbones have no travel left, what is going to absorb the shock? .




We all know that lowering a ROAD car as low as it can, will not be at its best handling, but public roads are not made for racing thats what the tracks are for..


I read this on another thread.




James, you're clearly an intelligent bloke. Don't devalue it by making a fool of yourself like this. People will like you more if you use your intelligence and charm (if you have any) in a less defensive and belittling way.


So the next time you put keys to screen, try and imagine how people are perceiving you from the content of your posts, if it bothers you at all. .




Perhaps you should listen to your own advice.

And try not to upset other people.

And not judge people from the ride height of there car


Lets face it if a new guy with no other posts, had wrote what you have in this thread, the mods would have been down on him like a tone of bricks.


I took the decision not to post on this forum a long time ago, because of this child banter, but could not resist this time 8)

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More respect from who?

Middle aged/Old men who have nothing better to do then spend money on fast cars to make them selves feel better?


Eh? How did you form that assumption?


We all know that lowering a ROAD car as low as it can, will not be at its best handling, but public roads are not made for racing thats what the tracks are for..


Who said anything about racing? I just said I don't want my progress to be blighted by uncompliant suspension and I drive it like VW intended. I suppose you're cleaner than the preachers sheets and never break the speed limit then, based on that comment?


Perhaps you should listen to your own advice.

And try not to upset other people.

And not judge people from the ride height of there car


I actually meant the original comment light heartedley (easy to say in hindsight I know, but most of the less confrontational members know me better than that) and only you, Bally and Furki took offense to it. I wasn't judging them specifically either. And on the subject of upsetting people, what was the purpose of your post if not to atagonise me?


I took the decision not to post on this forum a long time ago, because of this child banter, but could not resist this time 8)


Well go back to where ever you were hiding, you won't be missed. You're no better than the rest of James' 'attackers' by digging up dirt to attack me with.

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when is all this b1tching going to end kev,,,havent you got anything better to do like setup your new H&R's youve been banging on about.... were not the ones who was judging you or your car,,,, you was the one attacking us abt out ride heights and driving... If you thought confrontation wasnt going to happen you are either ignorant or just misled,,,,, no one sits there and would take the insults you have tried to send our way,,, and your a moderator pfff whatever....im not going to even try to judge you, wouldnt want to be at the same level.


its all a load of b0ll0cks and you incorrect!!!

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Hey Alan saw ur car near gantshill looks phat!!! tried to come around to have a chat got caught up in bloody traffic, nice colour and rims mate!!

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