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Just got back from collecting some new rear diamond cut lights - and i really can't make my mind up, i want to move away from the standard lights as i feel imho they make the car look dated - but i am not sure if these may look a bit on the 'chavish' side? They just seem to gleam out to much from the rest of the car, maybe its because they are against a dark colour i don't know.


Honest opnion's welcomed (sorry about pics a bit dark and on camara phone).

The jury is out.


Also does anyone know the legal /mot score regarding clear bulbed indicators?

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much better mate :salute: , it took me a couple of days 2 get use to mine also, as for the indicators im pretty sure you have to have the orange bulbs in 4 the MOT , but i just swap mine to the clear ones as soon as i get out the MOT station :wink:

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Cheers guy's - They are very much growing on me now - I gave the car as wash and stared at them a bit more and they are very much growing on me, i suppose it was just down to being such a change.

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I can't make my mind up about those, they defo look better on darker paints for sure. Most modern cars have shiney lights like that now, so they don't look out of place.

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nice! use silver indicator bulbs tho


Went for the clear bulb in the end, its pretty bright tick, but looks good. Another good point is the reverse lights, i think they are brighter then the front lamps :) time for an uprated loom next. Another one to the list, which goes on and on and on...

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Have you guys got silver tops - was considering masking up the reflective bulk of the lamp and painting the top - just so it looks more seated when opening the boot.

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The plastic round the units is silver on mine too... I know a few people have masked it up and painted it black to lose some of the bling and I've been meaning to do this with mine but haven't got round to it yet :?


Look much better than standard though... it will just take a few days to get used to the change

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tint the top half red, should look fantastic IMO


These wouldnt take well to tinting, as you wouldnt get the colour match.. for all red tinting, using the standard lenses would be a better option.


Mine, as all [i think!] have the chrome 'effect' tops. TBH, i really dont have a problem with it.. maybe im a closet chav? :lol:

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I think PhatVR did tinted and de-blinged his - have a look in his gallery or for sale thread for pics...



EDIT - just found this... credit to Mike Kippen - V nice looking C too 8)


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Well after a weekend of umming and arrghin i am sold on them, they just make the whole thing look newer from the back. Granted there not to everyones taste, but i have become a fan. Might consider gettting them slighlty tinted but can't see me swapping back to standard.

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At the end of the day Luke as long as you like them that's what counts.

If I wasn't intent on keeping my car standard I'd fit some myself.


Mmmm, Maybe another C is what's needed for full modding :wink:

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