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Boost return pipe removed...UPDATE.

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Right,I've gone and junked the boost return pipe and fitted the wee air filter to the end of the ISV and (temporarily)run a pipe from the cam cover breather into a home made catch tank for the vapour,including a breather topped of with another small filter thing.Also fitted the blanking plate to the inlet return side of the charger.

The downside of all this appears to be mahooosive amounts of white oil vapour blowing out of the filter on the tank.(it got to the point where I had to leave the shed with my eyes streaming and coughing quite gutturally,leading my neighbours to think i had set it on fire :lol: )


1)should it be doing this?

2)should I buy a proper catch tank from somewhere that will stop this?

3)is this normal?

4)should I go to the doctor to have my lungs examined? :oops:


Answers to the usual place please. 8)

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If you engine is breathing that heavilly somthing is seriouslly wrong. I wouldn't drive it until you have checked it out to be honest.

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I was hoping you weren't gonna say something like that!

Looks like I'm gonna have to go back to square one and strip the head off and check the gasket(after having a compression test first)

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G-MAN,yes,there was a small amount of oil smoke in the exhaust,but I reckon that was oil in the inlet manifold left over from that last time the oil seals failed in the charger,as it appears to have cleared.

I can't believe it to be the oil seals again.I've had them done twice now. :(


I haven't done the comp test yet.

Only gonna be able to do it tomorrow and I'll let you know the results.

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Actually,I'm getting pretty fed-up of this car now.I wish I'd left it the f**ck alone.

I've done so much to it and spent a shedload of cash and it turns out a right f**king lemon.

If I had the means,or lived on the mainland,it would either be on a low-loader,going to G-werks to get sorted by someone who knows what they are doing,or being broken up for it's parts so I might get some money back out of it.

I think that,since I started this project,waaaay back in November 2003,I've managed to drive the thing for about 10 days.


I'm sick of it.:pukeright: :crazyeyes:

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Ooooooo.....so tempted.... :lol:







































Just for interest,which airport would you fly from? :lol:

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Right,after leaving the car standing in the garage for a couple of weeks,I went to it yesterday and did an oil check,which turned out to be less than favourable.

There was just enough oil to cover the end of the dipstick-and that was after all the oil drained back into the sump.

I took the cam cover off to check for emulsion and there was none whatsoever-there didn't appear to have been any oil there either,or at least very little anyway.

So,tomorrow,I'm gonna top up the oil and see how it goes,then if the problem with the vapour still persists,would that be indicative of an oil pump failure?

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