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Golf R32, or Corrado r32......

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i can't imagine you being happy with the mk4, paul.

if you keep it, you'll tinker with it, put more money in and it'll be a poor imitiation of the corrado.

if you sell the 'C' - and what coxy say is right - you'll have to give it away compared to what you've put into it. On the flip side, you'll get good money for the mk4.


get a runabout for gawds sake if you find its totally impractical day to day


keep the mk2 - make it an all-out track car

keep the 'c' - you'll loose too much money and not have a decent toy

get a runabout - this will be paid for with the extra money you'll make from selling the mk4 over what you'll get for the 'c' - i've just done it and picked up a mk3 tdi (yes, i know :oops: ) for £600.


result? - Happy Phatty :)

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h8rra we are definately on the same wave length apart from car colour that is lol

Its staying yellow!


Listen to the harra - he speak sense.

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really have a massive disliking for modified road cars now, I think they all look as sad as f*ck and I want to be completely disassociated with the max power knobbers. Hence the total lcak of body mods on the mk4 other than badge removal and the wheels/suspension. I'm 30 next year. I think the mk4 suits me more?


I cant see you being associated with max power in any way shape or form driving your corrado though, its not exactly a tarted up shopping trolly or a madly kitted spiky japanese monster! yes, to someone 'in the know' it looks fairly modded, but IMO joe soap on the street wouldnt look at your corrado and instantly think "boy racer/max power kiddy".


I think h8rra's suggestion fits in quite well, your day to day plodding about to work and such wont be as inspiring in a runabout, but then you'll probably apreciate the corrado a whole lot more when you do drive it.

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h8rra we are definately on the same wave length apart from car colour that is lol

Its staying yellow!


Listen to the harra - he speak sense.


you hippo crit - you were drooling over my throbbing black'un on friday !!!!!!!! :)


As much as i think you're a canny lad, i can't approve of nugget, banana cars - sorry :oops:


- if we ever get into a convoy (is that March 2010?) we'll look like a 160mph 3 tonne WASP!!! :D :D :D


....and while i remember - coxy stated his car will be completed March 2006 - you'll live to regret nailing down which year to me and chris :)

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you hippo crit - you were drooling over my throbbing black'un on friday !!!!!!!! :)


As much as i think you're a canny lad, i can't approve of nugget, banana cars - sorry :oops:

Yeah but a)its too much work to change teh colour, and b)I believe yellow corrados dont look as good because they are all early spec, Mine is totally late spec everything so will look hard and muscular - i think lol :lol:


- if we ever get into a convoy (is that March 2010?) we'll look like a 160mph 3 tonne WASP!!! :D :D :D

LOL it will be good :lol:



....and while i remember - coxy stated his car will be completed March 2006 - you'll live to regret nailing down which year to me and chris :)

Argh you bastard - as black adder once said 'Deny everything Baldrick'

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Coxy said to me it would be done March 2005. That was before I started mine! :)


Paul - Honestly keep the Rado. Iron out the niggles (I am doing that now and loving the car) fit some decent suspension (AVO's are absolute cr@p, I know I have had them on a C before) and enjoy the car for what it is a damn quick comfy motor. Its never going to be a lairy chuck about track car, not with full cream leather, lazy V6 and all the rest.

My advice would be finish the Rado properly, you know you want to really, once its mobile and reliable sell the MK4. Then build the MK2 slow time, while ironing out the final little niggles on the Rado.


I can honestly say its so nice to be sorting things like the boot light not working (it was a bad bulb) or plumbing in washer jets, now on my car and being able to enjoy it every day wihtout major surgery. Its a very quick progression from a shake down test bed, to a complete solid car.


You know the right answer, you just want to hear it from us all. :)






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Coxy said to me it would be done March 2005. That was before I started mine! Smile




**subliminal message** keeeeeep the corraaaaaadooooo **subliminal message ends**

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jay - ian mentioned to me tat he stated March to you - but not the year.


We pinned him down to a year and he stated 2006, so there you go........its in writing now :)


coxy - its the motivation you need - you're commited to it now.......

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The thing is I am in the lucky position to own a bora and the corrado, so I believe I am well placed to put my opinion across.


Fact: We drive cars like we do as they are very rewarding, look better than 90% of the new rubbish that is getting produced and have a certain attractive character about them.


Fact: the mk4 is no different to any other rep mobile pile of modern shyte.


I wonder how many people would say sell the corrado if paul said he was buying a peugot 307 or something....and to me theres no difference. Yeah the mk4 has the R32 lump in it but its not fast - and paul has admitted that.

selling the corrado for the mk4 is basically saying you arent interested anymore in the hobby thats taken up your life since you were 17.



First things first, my mk4 is NOTHING like your Bora TDI, and I will let you drive it next week so you can see for yourself. Boring it is not. Heavy yes, old man-ish, maybe, but definitely no rep mobile.


Yes I am interested in the hobby still, hence why I'm doing the mk2, and I haven't been into it since I was 17, I wasn't even bothered about cars back then.


I don't want a crazy race car for the road. I want one for the track and a nice comfy, practical, reliable, (and I guess modern ticks al those boxes) car for the road.


H8RRA, I've just said I don't want a "runabout", I've tried that before and hated it.

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Since when were 4 door Golfs uncool?! Seen plenty of sweet sweet 4 door MK4's! Plus you retain some practicality! Its like saying estates aren't cool.. then you get those slammed 'cleaned.be' examples which (whilst I admit i'm not keen) know they go down an absolute storm in Europe.


The runabout thing is something I thought about a lot but it just seems a silly thing to do.. i'd rather have something I could use every day.


I know you're a bit stumped with what to do Paul but what would, in your mind, be the ideal outcome from all of this?

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The thing is I am in the lucky position to own a bora and the corrado, so I believe I am well placed to put my opinion across.


Fact: We drive cars like we do as they are very rewarding, look better than 90% of the new rubbish that is getting produced and have a certain attractive character about them.


Fact: the mk4 is no different to any other rep mobile pile of modern shyte.


I wonder how many people would say sell the corrado if paul said he was buying a peugot 307 or something....and to me theres no difference. Yeah the mk4 has the R32 lump in it but its not fast - and paul has admitted that.

selling the corrado for the mk4 is basically saying you arent interested anymore in the hobby thats taken up your life since you were 17.



First things first, my mk4 is NOTHING like your Bora TDI, and I will let you drive it next week so you can see for yourself. Boring it is not. Heavy yes, old man-ish, maybe, but definitely no rep mobile.


Yes I am interested in the hobby still, hence why I'm doing the mk2, and I haven't been into it since I was 17, I wasn't even bothered about cars back then.


I don't want a crazy race car for the road. I want one for the track and a nice comfy, practical, reliable, (and I guess modern ticks al those boxes) car for the road.


H8RRA, I've just said I don't want a "runabout", I've tried that before and hated it.


you wanted opinions - you got 'em matey - didn't guarantee you'd like 'em :)

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Yes I did ask for opinions, and i also clearly asked you to put yourself in my position, read the last part of my first post again.


Ideally, I want to sell the Corrado next year for £10K+, clear my credit card, and have enough left over to keep the bike too. At the moment it's looking like i'm going to have to sell that now as it's just sat doing nothing and it's £1500or so I could do with at the moment.


If it was just any old mk4 it would have been long gone, but it's not, it's top of the line (except the chavvy looking R32 of course) and I only have £9K in, including the LM's and R32 bits (yes, and the spare R32 wheels). Now that, in my eyes is a bloody good deal, R32's are still fetching at least £18K.


Yes I could cash it in, but it's on a CAT D, so I'd still have to sell that for less than it's really worth (I reckon it's worth 'at least' £13K but because people are so stupid that they can't look past the fact that only the engine and rear door was the subject of it being written off, (it's not crash damaged) they'd avodi it like the plague). I really do hate selling cars and putting up with the mongies that come around......


To me the Corrado is always going to feel dated, no matter what I do to it. I'm always going to adore it's looks, but at the end of the day, that's not what's important to me right now, nor is handling ability or driver appeal. The only thing I can fault the Mk4 on is the seat height, feels too high compared to the corrado.


But of course, I'm very fickle. these are my thoughts and plans right at this very moment. I haven't driven the corrado for a long time now, and it's going to be a different car when I do drive it so I may change my views, only time will tell, but as they stand right now it's MK4 - 3, Corrado -0. It has a lot to live up to if it's going to win me over the mk4.....a hell of a lot.


Go test drive an AMD'd R32, I defy you not to like it.


Where's Guy, he's got both, he should be able to offer his opinions on this one with the benefit of hindsight.

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he's cheating tho and spending money on both which you say you wouldnt want to do to the mk2


the last i heard is a turbo kit? - chris seems pretty up to date on the exploits of hartley


do you really consider yourself too old (30 OMG!) for the corrado or just the hassle? don't get the flat cap and slippers out yet paul - theres no hope for us pushing 40 !!!

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Don't you all think it's a bit sad to be throwing money at an 11 year old car?


Well I guess thats a matter of opinion... But you only have to look at this very forum to see jusy how many people are doing it and enjoying it! Not to mention the rest of the VW scene and all the other car enthuisasts besides. We do it because we love it.... Right :!: :?:

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As much as i think you're a canny lad, i can't approve of nugget, banana cars - sorry :oops:


Hey! There's Nowt wrong with Yellow!!!!!

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Don't you all think it's a bit sad to be throwing money at an 11 year old car?


Um - and what exactly have you been spending your hard earned on for the past few years? MK2 Golfs, and the Corrado which you're currently locked in turmoil over whether to sell or not?! :D


For the record, no I don't think its sad - its an interest. There are far worse things to throw your money away on.

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Haven't read all the replies (no time at this time of night), but the original post rings some bells with me.


I haven't "fallen out" with my Corrado - still love it. Sure, it's a 13 year old car and has some niggles, but it's still a bloody good car (once I find out why the head's a bit noisy...).


But the upshot is I need something newer, since I'm taking the car allowance from work and I'm supposed to have something relatively new as a result :D


I tested another V6 4Motion on Monday but I only got 22mpg out of it - and I wasn't even booting it particularly!!! I was shocked. I'll admit, that really put me off - 22mpg is p***-poor by anyone's standards. Maybe the dealership just got hold of a dog, but I was expecting at least 5mpg above that the way I was driving it (a couple of quick blasts but about 7 miles of cruising around that, mostly at 60-70 on decent roads).


Pleased to hear Phat is getting 27m;pg out of his R32 lump - maybe the one I drove was a tad...erm...knackered?

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As much as i think you're a canny lad, i can't approve of nugget, banana cars - sorry :oops:


Hey! There's Nowt wrong with Yellow!!!!!


actually, the thought of a convoy of back and yellow corrado's - the wasp squad - is quite growing on me now :) (as long as i'm driving a black one, that is.)

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