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Ice White Socks

Independent 'top 10's- revisited

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Not sure whether you guys remember- but we managed to get the Corrado in the top 10 'useable classics' feature in the independent a few months ago- even though the nobber who writes it clearly had no idea what it was and only included it because of a 'small but devoted band of followers' ie us lot.


This weeks was the top ten golf based cars- including such notables as the VW caddy & golf MK3- but no Corrado in sight :roll: (despite it being in clarksons top 100 cars ever etc etc)


Anyway next weeks 'top ten' is the V6's so if anyone fancies nominating the 'ol VR- email mailto:[email protected]. (I wouldn't worry too much about the technical distinction between a V and a VR- I would lay money on the fella not having the foggiest clue about the difference!)





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Oh well, anything to get the (stupid) readers in, the more they sell of their newspaper, the better; that's all that counts, never mind the truth/facts etc. :lol:



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