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Identifying members of the forum at the CCGB Day?

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yep, u must have a go in it if u want


That's right - bring him away from the dark-side.


Maybe a good blast in a VR will be just what Jim needs ;)

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Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to hear that a lot of you guys are wanting to attend the National Day, but I need to make a couple of quick points so that there are no problems on the day.


The event is a CCGB event, organised and paid for by the CCGB. Whilst all Corrado enthusiasts (not just club members) are welcome to attend the show, the event has been organised by and for the Club for it's members, and so attendees who are not club members will not be able to enjoy all the facilities that the CCGB members will.


I must make it clear that if you are not a CCGB member:

a) You will have to pay to get into the Woburn estate.

b) You will not be able to use the Club parking area (you will have to use the public car park)

c) You will not be able to enter either the Show n Shine or Concours events

d) You will not be able to obtain the discounted entry to the Abbey (should you wish to visit it)


Both the Woburn estate staff and the Club marshalls will be checking membership cards on the day and will enforce the above.


None of this in intended as a "stab" at forum members who are not members of the CCGB, but the Club has invested a lot of time and effort arranging this event. More importantly, a substantial amount of the Club's money has been used to make it all happen, and therefore it will be unfair on the club members if non-members can just turn up and use the same event facilities for free.


Of course this event will be an excellent opportunity for any non members to join the Club at the show, but we will not be able to refund your entry fees if you join on the day.


If anyone has any questions about the event then please drop me a line offlist at mailto:[email protected] and I will try to answer you as quickly as possible




(CCGB National Day Event Organiser)

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For those of us that wont be able to attend due to geographic reasons i sincerely hope someone gets some great pictures of the event as well as the procession up/down to the event. something about seeing a fleet of Corrados flying down the road makes my heart pound. :twisted: maybe someone could capture it on video and make an mpg or avi and attach it to the site as a small download. just a thought and a hope. have fun. :D

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If i send you a set of pics of my C can you leave a parking space clear for me and put the pics there cos i cant attend cos its a bit far for me to come :LOL:


I just dont want to miss out showing off my corrado

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I'll be taking my digital camera chaps so I will get a whole bunch of pictures for the forum :)


I'd get some for the CCGB as well, but with Jeremy Bromley & John Munyard there, i'm sure the picture side will be totally covered :D

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jims16v you still in the saxo for woburn then? I finally put my forum stickers in the rear sides this w/e. They look good. Have u got yours in the sax? :)

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No Chris.. i'm saving my CF stickers for when I get a Corrado mate :)


As for Woburn.. still not sure how I am going to get there IF I manage to sell the car... no interest in the car as yet, but it goes into the Autotrader mag on Thursday.


So we'll see.. i'd like to sell the Saxo ASAP. If I do sell the car, then I might go begging to a few friends to either come to the show with me, or to loan me a car or something. I'll be sure to post to let people know what car to look out for though as I am going to try my very best to get there regardless of whether I own a car or not at the time :)

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Well, whatever. Don't understand 'still not sure' - you're supposed to be taking pictures :?

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I think you misread my post Chris.. I just reworded it, so have another butchers :)

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Jim, yep I see the edit now.

Nice one Chris - how you getting down here then Jim? nice avatar by the way, should have been mine really :)

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Well basically if I haven't sold the Saxo then I will come down in that.


If I have managed to sell the Saxo, then i'll either try and get a lift with a mate and see if I can get them to come along for the day, or I will try and borrow a car off one of them.


One mate of mine has bought a great little 1.4 16v Corsa for his wife, but she can't actually drive yet (still learning) so its just sitting on their drive.. if I ask nicely and offer to fill it with petrol and wash it or something, he might let me borrow it.


We'll see.. but I will definately be there one way or another :)

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Hiya chris long time no see I suggest getting to toddington services atround 9 am and then aim to leave for 9 15 I might get there a bit earlier and have a fry up in the little chef :D

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Jim, yep I see the edit now.

Nice one Chris - how you getting down here then Jim? nice avatar by the way, should have been mine really :)


Oh, and by the way, feel free to take the avatar if you like it! I'll find myself another from Futurama :)

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Jim, just havin a larf m8 - thought I wasn't far off looking like that; when I work out how to do avatars, pics (of my cars even) I'll probably do something about it


Ant, yeah its been ages, brekkie sounds good I'm up for that. how's the yellowperil, last I saw it was a bit poorly?

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Well heres one to get you started of your VR6 at Santa Pod much earlier in the year, conveniently resized to be avatar friendly :D

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Wahoo success.

Have also found out how to resize the images I already had so might post a few up soon


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