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I've just scratched the VR ....oops

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It is not my day today. :roll:

Got into my golf this morning to come to work and the coolant light was flashing so I thought I'd bring the 'rado (it's more fun to drive too :wink: ). Was driving off the drive and turned left too soon and scrapped the bottom of the door and sill on the stupidly low wall alongside the drive :mad:

Then on the way to work I get stuck in traffic and a journey that should take around half an hour took 2 hours and 20 mins :roll:


Because of all of the above I am now in a really bad mood and I'm just waiting to see what'll happen next..... :cry:

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Ohhh ouch - i know what you mean about those low walls. I had a rucksion with one of those but I was in a transit at the time, so i felt more sorry for the wall.


Is it bad the damag?

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I'm still kicking myself for my stupidity. The passenger side has only just been resprayed too :x

Hopefully it won't cost too much to fix. It's not dented just scratched, the worst bit is the sill but there is a deep scratch on the bottom of the door.

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Hope its not too bad.


Would be worth trying one of the mobile chip remover types of company as they will probably be able to sort it out. I would give you a name but my brain has decided it doesn't want to tell me right now.

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Yeah, chips away or someplace similar. Might just wait till we get rear bumper sprayed and get it touched up then.


Plus just found out that the golf needs a new radiator!!! arghhhh, it's really not my day!

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Thanks Henny, I knew someone would remember, although my as soon as I clicked on the thread link it came back to me :brickwall:

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That's harsh, cheer up though, it's Friday!!! :cheers: :rainbowafro: :cheers:


That's true, only an hour left for me. (The perks of working for the council = flexi time!)

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Ouch again Angela.


Wish I had 'Corrado spotted' you in Bristol on a better day for you.

Hope sainsburys was fun :)



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I can sympathise :( I reversed into a huge rock yesterday. Had to turn around in an industial estate in Willand, much to my surprise found out the bastards in the end unit got fed up with people turning in the car park and put two boulders either side of the entrance! Of course not visable through the mirrors!


Hope yours not too much.

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