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blxxdy numptys!!!!

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Just found another dink on my drivers door where some frickin ijeet has wanged there door open with no regard for the person parked next to them.


I can't even think where this happened, as i always park over the far side of any carpark.


I am really thinking of making some contrapation out of fine strip of inner tube so this does not happen again - not as permenant mod :) but just something i can clip into place from under the wheel arches to run along the centre line.


Its either that or install CCTV.

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the peeps at work go ape because i take up two spaces :-)


i hate it , you nip to tesco's and park miles away from everything and when you come out someone has parked right next to you ...grrrrrrrr


lack of respect , if you walked up to their house and threw a brick through the window they would think you were mental and yet the window costs less than a repair to bodywork :-(

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Always used to happen to me, Sainsburys at Taplow is one of the worst places I know. It always happens to me or my mates cars there!!!


Winds me up, my g/f physically has to calm me down after it happens to me. People are just selfish!!



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I caught a numpty who did this to me in his new mini at some motorway Services, not a scratch on his car and a dink in my door, I confonrted him politely asking for some monetary renumeration and he just shrugged his shoulders and walked off. :mad:


When I left there was a large foot shaped dent in his car door and four flat tyres, can't think how that happened....

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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my car. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.




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Ypu probably thin that Blinky16v, was out of order there but if I confronted somebody nicely about doing that to my car, and they shrugged and walked off, I would go effing mental.

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This really winds me up, just daren't park any where.


The first weekend out after buying my C we came out of a pub and there were two chips in the paint, one by rear arch and one on the door, volvo with my black paint on both doors parked next to us. I went to storm in the pub and kick off and before i even got two steps away my lady goes ape and boots the wing mirror off and then goes down the side kicking every pannel. At which point we made a sharp exit.

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i pretty much refuse to park between 2 cars now...if i must park in a supermarket its right at the very end across 2 spaces


i also check the car when i return to it..so that i can hoof their door in

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When I left there was a large foot shaped dent in his car door and four flat tyres, can't think how that happened....


I should not endorse revenge and retribution but - ahh pure sweetness!

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agreed, people have no respect for other people's vehicles. Everytime i return to my car and somebody is parked close i inspect my door for marks.

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Sorry to hear about your ding Luke :?


tbh... if I have to leave my car with a car next to it in a carpark I always take a photo of it's neighbours on my phone! Probably wouldn't help all that much but if you have their plate and know what car it was then you have every chance of seeing it again somewhere :mrgreen:

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When I left there was a large foot shaped dent in his car door and four flat tyres, can't think how that happened....

Remind me never to pi55 you off blinky! :lol:

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lol @ Blinky16v

I wish I had a big plastic bubble in which I could place my car in when I left it!

I'm always so paranoid about dents and scratches and stuff (let's not talk about the scratch that I put there). I always try to park in an empty corner or next to an expensive car in the hope that they will take care :wink:

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I always try to park in an empty corner or next to an expensive car in the hope that they will take care :wink:


That's what i do, always park next to someone with a more expensive car that you!! :lol:

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its when that person moves and someone who doesnt care/selfish parks next to you that you worry...


I also park in empty spaces, they just dont stay empty. I cant understand why in a relatively empty car park people STILL park next to you!?!?

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Son of a Beesting, see g60daves reason above... the numptys in their sheddy old cars see the Corrado as a nice car that's more likely to be stolen/broken into for a nice stereo than their car, so they park next to you in the hope that someone will break into your Corrado rather than their shed... :roll:


Anyone say Catch 22? :roll: :lol:

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HENNY - I wont mind so much if they didnt feel the need to turn the side of the car into the surface of the moon!!!!


I must admit I got a little runaround at the moment (its to embarrassing to even say but it cost about £200) and I am SO careful opening the doors. It only takes a second out of your time. Some people...

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And Sod's law, if you had a daily driver you didn't give a schitt about, it would have perfect flanks!


The trick is to park on an end space and over hang it to allow more room between cars, and if possible, park in the corner next to a car that looks equally cared for.


I wouldn't take up two spaces personally, that gets peoples' backs up and you're liable to attract a dent out of spite, despite the reasons for parking that way being obvious!. Thankfully the majority of shoppers are lazy f'ckers and try and get as close to the entrance as poss, so I don't mind a walk for the sake of saving my paintwork.


Or better still, don't take your own car to the supermarket at all! Use the Wife/Girlfriend's!

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And Sod's law, if you had a daily driver you didn't give a schitt about, it would have perfect flanks!


Yeah, my golf's like that, I don't care about it and I don't really care where I leave it but it never seems to get damaged!

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I noticed a new dent in the driver's door just yesterday, despite having all the rubber strips. It actually made me chuckle because now the door just matches the rest of the car :)

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I used to work with a welsh bird who was really into air cooled dubs. She came out of asda one day to find a merc parked next to her freshly sprayed beetle. The woman putting her shopping in the merc had her door open agaist the beetle, and had dented the door.

conversation was along the lines of

'what the F**K have you done to my car'

'oh, that old thing? it doesnt matter'

'yeah, we'll see about that'


She then removes a can of beans from her bag, goes round to the front of the merc and chucks it at the bonnet!


Gets in her car and says 'see! doesnt matter!'


Class. 8)

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I used to work with a welsh bird who was really into air cooled dubs. She came out of asda one day to find a merc parked next to her freshly sprayed beetle. The woman putting her shopping in the merc had her door open agaist the beetle, and had dented the door.

conversation was along the lines of

'what the F**K have you done to my car'

'oh, that old thing? it doesnt matter'

'yeah, we'll see about that'


She then removes a can of beans from her bag, goes round to the front of the merc and chucks it at the bonnet!


Gets in her car and says 'see! doesnt matter!'


Class. 8)



That would send me spare!!!

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I dont take the Corrado somewhere where I'll have to park between 2 cars (Well, unless I'm at a VW show or something :wink:)

I've got a mk2 GTI for stuff like that :D


If you want to protect your flanks and dont care how silly it looks, you could always try stuff like this:



http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... 4?v=glance


But you'll need quite a few sets to line the whole side :lol:

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