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Interesting "Get Out" clause for speeding....

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....if you're caught speeding by a hand held speed gun make sure you ask for that days Certificate of Calibration - if they cannot produce it, legally they cannot prosecute you


Apparently Merseyside police only calibrate a max. of 20% of their guns per day

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It amazes me that the police must be knowingly prosecuting alleged speeders when they are legally not in a position to do so, smacks of one law for us and another for them.


I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of the Calibration Cert so I can post it on here so we all know what they look like.

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It amazes me that the police must be knowingly prosecuting alleged speeders when they are legally not in a position to do so, smacks of one law for us and another for them.



Hate to say it but it doesnt surprise me, not wanting to get into the whole 'anti police' thing but speeding is a money making exercise for the countries constabulairies (sp).

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I have two close relatives, both in the trafic diviosions of a major force in the UK.


They both say that the policies are crazy, the guys on the ground want to raise standards of safety by targetting middle lane hoggers etc but have been specifically told to concentrate on speeders

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They both say that the policies are crazy, the guys on the ground want to raise standards of safety by targetting middle lane hoggers etc but have been specifically told to concentrate on speeders



:( sad state of affairs.

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i've been told about this before, but a word of worning, you have to be very "diplimatic" (spelling) about how you ask if it has been done as they have been known to take you to the cleaners....

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Something like "I'm sure I wasn't speeding officer, could you at least show me if that 1970's box of sh*te actually works" should be adequate. :)

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Nope same here, I have been stopped 3 times for driving over the speed limit but no proof meant no fine.

Considering I have driven quite, quite mad sometimes (including 160mph on various motorways) I consider myself very lucky having not been fined once in 4 years!

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I can't remember where I read it but there was an article about a trial in the US where a guy had been pulled for speeding.


It was proven that the radar gun used had a habbit for giving false readings - this was demonstrated in court by clocking the wall travelling in excess of 10mph!


This type of gun was then illegal to use in the US - they are still in use in this country though despite this.

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Didn't think UK police used radar guns anymore - they use laser ones.


I knew about this "get out" and before I could even ask, the copper a few months ago showed me the gun, the reading, then told me it was calibrated that morning and showed me the cert.


I think they know that we know, if you know what I mean.

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There's another thing that you can ask which they can't prove - was the laser accurately positioned on the same point of the car throughout the reading process?


If they start measuring the front of the car and let the laser move up to the windscreen then it'll look like you've been going much faster than you were - and as it's just the number on the gun they've got no way of proving that they took the measurement accurately.



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But that would make the reading show you were going slower... ;)


They don't work like that though. They get the speed in n'ths of a second.

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If you get done by a fix camera (or any i think) they have to inform you by post within 1 month. I got one after 3 months and got a letter back that was semi sarcastic! I can post it if you like, but in summary it said........


Thank you Mr Wood, you are correct. However, your current driving liscence address is not up to date. Therefore we offer you 2 choices.


1. Pay a £1000 fine for having an invalid driving liscence or

2. Pay the £65 and take the 3 points, and we will overlook no 1.



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My licence is about 4 addresses out of date - when you are constantly hiring cars you can't afford to be without it for a couple of weeks though

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It might be different in England and Wales, but in Scotland the police have to send you a "Notice of Intended Prosecution" or NIP within 28 days of the alleged offence having being committed or the charge is null and void.



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In England you need to receive the NIP within 14 days.


However, if your address is out of date or they have to track you down via a 3rd party (i.e. car rental place), then I have a feeling they can take up to 28days.

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