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Speed camera Detectors

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Looking to buy a speed camera detector. But which is the best unit to buy?? Want one with laser detection really as we only have 0 fixed speed cameras local too me :)

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craigbeal, hows it going ?


enjoyed my little spin the other day, remember laser detection is going to be made illegal next year i think


angeleye are pretty good i think



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It seems the Road angel is the one and it manages to avoid the new legislation, as it is a gps locater rather than using the signal from a camera.


you need to suscribe to it anually and it tells you when you are aproaching a camera. loads on the search.

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I'll sell you my road angel 2 (with laser detector) if you want for £190ono!


I'm not doing half the miles I use to so its not getting any use.


Subscription has just run out so you'll need that as well, can change owner of unit easily with the makers subscription service too.

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Save your money. Starting April '06 the NPR number plate recognition computer goes national, and they have the right to track every number off every car and save the data for up to TWO YEARS, without a court order or even any legal justification required.


They *claim* this is to help them find uninsured/untaxed cars on the road, but hey, we all know it's easily and quickly extendable into the "average speed calculation" automagic speeding ticket realm...


And let's face it, the crims don't provide their correct details so all the uninsured, untaxed problem cars on the road won't receive any comeback anyway.


http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/11/15 ... _database/

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Its saved me at least 3-6 points.


Great for those hidden camera's behind the trees! Trouble with camera vans is that by the time its bleeped and you've reacted, its too late anyway.


I was coming over a hill and was giving it some (on a track of course officer), when the angel warned me of a camera, so I slowed down, came over the hill and saw a yellow box just after the brow. No way I'd have slowed down enough if it hadn't have beeped.


Trouble is, now I only go where I know really well, so I know all the sites. Thats why I'm getting rid. Need the extra money for a VR6!

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If you are getting a VR mate I would hang on to it. It is just far to easy to be doing 40+ without realising it and working yourway with ease through the gears and finding yourself at 80 on a roads. 8)

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I can do 90 in 3rd at present and I have 6 gears to play with.


It's not going too fast thats the problem, its knowing where the sites are when your unfamiliar with the area that the angel helps.

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I was talking to an assistant in Halfords the other day about this. He suggested that when the mobile camera detectors become illegal, the GPS unit suppliers will be able to disable this function through their download to the unit. He seemed to think that buying a separate system was a good idea, so that the radar detector would keep working.

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Just reading previous posts on this...


I am not aware of any plans to use ANPR for speeding (ie. as a 'SPECS' system). The whole system is not callibrated for this.

I for one am all in favour of a system that makes life difficult for the no-insurance, no-MOT brigade.

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Trouble is, the no-insurance, no-MOT brigade are unlikely to get caught by this. There's going to be lots of "you don't have insurance" fines going to a Mr D Duck when this system goes live ..


The worst off under this system will be the careless (or on-holiday!), but generally law abiding Joe Blogs who forgets to do his tax/insurance/MOT renewal.. Yet another thin wedge into our civil liberties that means you more and more have to justify your existence at every turn, rather than the police having to prove you did something wrong ...


As for the lack of calibration - I agree, it would be hard to prove it in court if challenged, but it doesn't take much for them to change the law and make this feasible. Calibrated positioning lines on the road a-la near current gatsos would be all they require to make accurate position and therefore average speed statements.

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m not aware of any plans to use ANPR for speeding (ie. as a 'SPECS' system). The whole system is not callibrated for this.


Doesn't seem like the Association of Chief Police Officers are aware of this limitation


http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/11/15 ... _database/



ACPO national ANPR co-ordinator John Dean told the Sunday Times that fixed ANPR cameras already exist "at strategic points" on every motorway in the UK, and that the intention was to have "good nationwide coverage within the next 12 months." According to ACPO roads policing head Meredydd Hughes, ANPR systems are planned every 400 yards along motorways, and a trial on the M42 near Birmingham will first be used to enforce variable speed limits, then to 'tackle more serious crime.'


And they're planning to keep records of your movements for two years... :roll:

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Re. lines on road etc.

Current ANPR does not take a picture.

It reads the number plate, and reports back the number.

Central system is unaware of geographic distance between cameras.


Patrol cars are linked the the same system. If a vehicle comes up as lacking tax/MOT/insurance, they can stop it. No letters to Mr Duck involved.

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if someone put ANPR cameras every 400 yards along our motorways, there is no computer system on the planet that could cope with the number of queries generated by passing traffic. Suggest you ignore this.


I think this is being confused with the idea of creating a SPECS system with ANPR capability, to automatically send you your speeding summons. This would remove the need for a human to look at a photo and raise the paperwork manually. This doesn't exist yet, but could be done.

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I bet we can sell you just such a computer system.. :)


... and Siemens, EDS or Crapita will say they can even if you can't :)

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But if a vehicle has no tax/MOT/insurance, Mr Duck has already ignored a pocket full of letters ...


The idea is that officers at the roadside are alerted by their ANPR system to Mr Ducks illegal status, and can stop and arrest him. Let him try ignoring that. Police officers without this system cannot check volumes of traffic in the same way.


It's the old argument of 'Big Brother' versus effective law enforcement (in the interests of the law abiding majority).

Personally, i hate speed-tax cameras, but really welcome ANPR.

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Anyway, back to topic I recommend the Origin b2 which I have. It has a removable laser detection module and if you're interested I may part with it since I now take the train to work due to the distance I work from home.

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