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dodgy starting vr6

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ive got an intermittant problem with my vr6 it starts every morning rain or shine cold or warm........................but if i leave it for a few days ie weekend it wont start on monday morning the engine seems to flood with fuel ive taken the fuel pump fuse out before to get it to start and it did eventually then refitted the fuse ond awy we go

just wondered if anybody else had this problem or what it might be (my guess is a faulty ecu temp sender causing overfueling when cold)

any advice gratefully accepted


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VAG-COM engine error code scan will reveal all ..!


[ How's Cannock these days? Don't spot many VR6's up there when I'm passing through .. ]

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just been out to start it after being unable to drive for 2 days due to general anestetic and guess what............ :cry: barsteward wont go! was looking forward to a blat in cold dry air :D right ive managed to get it run heres what ive done.

1 removed plug. we have a spark!

2. checked fuel delivery and pump hum. present and correct

3. removed another plug seeming to be dry so no fuel injection going on!


then sin of sins replaced everything and gave it a squirt of brakecleaner down inlet pipe!! it fired and then proceded to run on 1 cylinder ,then 2 then 3 etc untill a minute later when all 6 were singing so what can it be,seems ok now! was the engine being turned over quick enough for the sensors to work? and which sensor controls the fuelling any suggestions other than popping it over to jody! and paying money!

is it possible to bridge the connectors to read any fault codes ive got obd1 i think as theres only 2 wires in front of my gearstick

please help me i want my corrado back!


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Was the spark plug clean?

You should have the 2+2 connectors, and yes, you can read error codes from it, but you'll need a code reader.

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yep plug clean and dry!

no oil fouling and i know compression is fine on all 6 although bizarrly the rear bank was 12.5 bar and the front bank were 13 i checked it cos i had to check where the oil was burning to confirm that my stemseals need doing (oh and guides!). :)


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other people may find this usefull think i may try it tomorrow and see what i find :)

try this site http://www.corrado-club.com/faq/detail_faq.CFM?FAQID=26

if this works it saves me buying a code reader!

ive got the autodata 2005 disk which lists all the trouble codes but doesnt tell you how to retrieve them!

hope it works!

any suggestions are still more than welcomed


oh and cannock aint too bad theres a few corrados around used to see a red valver every morning and i know of a 20v turbo converted vr6 going around(why a vr6 and not an 8v)


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