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Door won't open!!

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Hi guys, my Cs passanger door has stopped working but i'm

not sure if it's the catch release or the central locking witch is

cousing the problem.I've noticed that the pin raises about 4/5s

and then sinks abit.Is there an easy way of checking if it's the

lock or pump?, and do i need the door open to fix it if it's the

lock?If it's the pump, do you just replace it? and is it electric or

neumatic and expensive?

P.S. Some a**hole kicked off my wing mirror on sat.

morning but becouse it's electric it didn't fly away.It banged off

the door and dented it.... I need to get drunk!!!!!haha

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Does the door open from the inside if you pull the knob up??


P.S. Some a**hole kicked off my wing mirror on sat.

morning but becouse it's electric it didn't fly away.It banged off

the door and dented it.... I need to get drunk!!!!!haha


Same thing also happened to me last sat altho I suspect a car hit it as the mirror was smashed as well as it was knocked clean off its base... c*nts!!

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I know it sucks an all but i wish that had happened to me.

I'd seen corrados with the dent there,now i know why!!


No it won't open.

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You'll need the door open to have a look at the lock. Theres a screw on the depth of the door to take out, it allows you to take the handle out. A common design problem on the rado. The handle on mine has broken on both sides (at different times). If it is the door handle thats broken, it will be a little bit of metal thats inside which, when you pull the handle it pivots up and lifts a springed mechanism and releases the latch of the door, heypresdo the door opens. The metal will have broken off, god knows why VW didnt make this out of tougher metal in the first place :wink: Easy to fix, though the bit of metal you need is 30 quid for each side plus pins on ebay. Still its better then buying a new handle for £70+ from VAG and then having to have a seperate key for that door.

Look on ebay the bits you need will be on there, search- corrado door handle repair kit. Some thing should come up.

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god knows why VW didnt make this out of tougher metal in the first place


It really happens cos peeps don't open the door as designed!


Correct way is thumb on door key bit and then use your fingers to force the handle outwards with your thumb still on the key lock. Then open the door while you have the handle held in the open position.


What peeps do is pull the handle only, that is effectively pulling on a locked door as the mechanism hasn't released. So the bit that we all know & love breaks, cos not only is it put under the normal load to unlock, it also has to take the increased load of a lock mechanism being partly jammed due to the peeps pulling it outward before it has chance to release.


The other thing is to apply some aerosol grease carefully to the mechanism. Drop the window fully and look down in the back corner of the window slot. Pull the handle and you will see the mechanism work. Put the grease here on the hinge parts but do avoid putting it into the window felt guide groove or on the glass.


I quite agree the door handle mechanism is a poor design but if used correctly as describe above with the thumb on the key lock, the door opens very easily.


Dave16v is the wizard on here making the door repair lock kits. The Ebay ones tend to be Germany sourced.



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I seen the lock repair on ebay with a buy now for £27 but

i didn't buy cos i wasn't sure if i needed it or not.It said in the

description that it was "indistructible".and easy to fit.

i 'm gonna replace them both cos my girl's cousin had to slide

across the seat with her big a**! ... kickin the dash!!I went to

buy them later that night but they were gone.

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I think Dave said they were made of stainless steel when I bought mine from him cos I was thinking they needed a coat of paint as they come bare metal.


Same opening principle applies though otherwise something else will give in the outer handle. If you "lock" the door lock mechanism while the door is open and watch the how far the handle comes out before the lock mechanism springs open, its about 60% of the full travel of the handle. So there isn't much scope for the handle to release the lock before you are pulling the door with the handle.



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nah i dont think you can put it all down to how people open the door. granted yeah people do pull the door rather then open it properly. but regardless you they have a tendancy to break

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I think Dave said they were made of stainless steel when I bought mine from him cos I was thinking they needed a coat of paint as they come bare metal.




Yes they are Stainless Steel and I will stick my neck out and say you will get better service from me than Ebay :D

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I just priced a new mirror from vw... £162!!!!! It comes in factory black whatever that is,so it probably needs painted too.Thats dear init? Bought 2 on ebay for 31 quid inc.p+p. Ebay's good for stuff.!!!

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Nice 1!!.. sent it off this morning so you should get it soon enough.

My Cs up for MOT on 6/01/06 hope they come in time.Cheers mate

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Deanso, if it's cold outside, and you just washed your car, and froze your butt off in the process, it just have to warm up first. Happened to me last night :D

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