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CVjoint ?

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My car has suddenly developed a knocking sound when turning either right or left. It started this morning as more of a groan from the offside when negotiating a roundabout, but throughout the day it's definately a knock ( well at low speed anyway.

I was convinced that it was the cv joint but after reading posts on here I see that it may be top or bottom ball joints. Is there a way of finding out for sure, and if it is the cv joint have I any leeway to get it replaced or is oit likely to fall off any time soon?

Cheers Alan.

PS I took it to "my man" this afternoon and he seemed to think it would be the cv joint as it had no boot!!

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they do seem to last well when they start knocking,you should hear the one on my peugeot,its clacking now when i just slightly turn the wheels and its been like that for 3 months now,i just cant be arsed working on the pug!!

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I only need a few day's grace till my wife's car is fixed. It would be unthinkable to be without a car for a couple of days; why it would be like living in the middle ages or something!

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It could also be your spring not turning on the spring plate (worn plate) when you steer & then suddenly 'knocking' round. Mine used to do it, new shocks and springs and i've not heard a thing.

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Now thats worth investigating mate, 'cos thats just what it sounds like. I've never heard a U/S cv joint but I'm led to believe that they "click" this is more of a knock, a sort of adult version of sticking a lolly stick in your bike spokes.

However, as I said earlier, cv boot is missing, no longer with us, it is an ex-boot so logic leads me to suspect the cv joint.

I'll probably do what I normally do and agonise over it for a couple of days then bang it in somewhere for somebody else to sort.

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well if the cv joint has no rubber boot on it then it needs doing before it does go,and cv joints do also clunk,depending on how bad they are

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Dazzy, the fact that it just turned up, without prior noises this morning is very confusing to me.

Mind you I once had a Scirocco where the front hub was completely bladdered and I only noticed when I was washing the wheels and thought 1/4 inch play at the wheel was possibly a tad to much for safety's sake.

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the one on my peugeot was fine one day and the next it sounded like a plague of locusts had invaded the car,i could easily fix it but i dont want to spend any money on it,it grieves me when i need to put diesel in it

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I wouldn't be overly concerned normally, but my wife's car ( Golf GTi ) is stuck in the local bodger's emporium witha recurring cooling faultso we need at least one car operational as I work shifts and she works miles from home and not on a main bus route.

Don't let this get out; two VW's in the house and both poorly.

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