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Farboud Sports Cars

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A work collegue enlightened me that one of her husbands friends "makes sports cars", and she had some contact details about these cars. Turns out they have a website. So not expecting anything apart from a slightly different kit car made in a garden shed i clicked on http://www.farboudsportscars.com/...


Wow. It looks like an awesome car!!


Theres only one in the world atm, the final prototype, but apparently 50 have already been ordered by US clients.


Engines are available in two sizes: V6 2968cc pushing 275bhp, or the supercharged option pushing 375bhp.


Heres the video, it sounds very tasty!!


http://www.theratpac.com/events/2004/fa ... d_0112.avi


Looks like a ferrari crossed with an elise IMO, which cant be a bad thing..can it...?




Edit: Pic thumbnailed ;) -dinkus

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Looks gorgeous from the outside, cant say i'm a big fan of that interior though, looks like they have saved the pennies or cents there.

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I love the shape of this car, very clean. Also impressed that Tim Marsh has taken over the company, and reduced the price to a realistic level. Noble watch out!


A friend of a friend who is a racing driver did a lot of the testing of the car when it had the Audi RS4 engine in it. He said it was great then.


Looking forward to seeing them on the road. Wonder if the mortgage company will extend my mortgage!

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These have been around a while.... IIRC some guy called Farboud started the company with his dream of making a car, designed it all, then sold the company.


A few articles in EVO on this car, looks promising.


This person will make a good friend Shaggsy......

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