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half 'cage

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liking the look of the car without its interior (and TBH who is actually cruel enough to make people suffer being hunched up in the rear? :lol: ) and saw a feature car in an old mag with a v.nice polished half 'cage. but where would i get one?

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"he has a roll cage therefore he must be planning to do something which might result in the car rolling"


I love insurance companies logic.

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Yeh but is kind of saying 'I need a roll cage 'cos there's a good chance i'm gonna roll it!'


I can understand why it would go up..

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That's like saying your car has airbags he must be looking to crash at high speed into a wall ???


Insurance companies and logical shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence....


EDIT: Perhaps if you tell them it's made of plastic and painted just for effect they'd let you off the bill. Lighter as well.... :lol:

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agreed - to an extent. if you are running a f.i.a aproved 'cage then fair enough it is somehting for them to consider. but if you are sporting a mighty fine polished but largely ornamental alloy jobbie then its a different kettle of fish.


EDIT - thanks lee.

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This could go on a while..... but.....


4x4 must be planning to use it pickup one child from a school on a daily basis and bug the hell out of every single person on the road... Wait, that's nothing to do with insurance... but it sure does feel good to vent that anger. At least that's what my therapist always says as he backs into the corner for protection :crazyeyes:

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