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Signs you are addicted to your car

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Sorry if its a repost!


Signs that you are addicted to your car.


* Your service tech hides when they see you coming.

* Someone says “mods” or “my girl” and you think they're talking cars.

* Mobil 1 sends you a card at Christmas.

* You get an erection/orgasm whenever someone says “The Pod".

* You know who your Regional Service Manager is.

* You wave at perfect strangers who have the same car as you...whether they wave back or not!

* You start buying all your underwear in the colours your model comes in:

* You can't function on the job because your spouse took your car to work today.

* You used to hate arguing with your other half, but now you look forward to it, knowing that they will make you sleep in the garage that night.

* You face towards the country your car was made and pray five times a day, hoping for next years model to have the accessories you want.

* You won't vacuum the house once a month but you sweep the garage once a week.

* Your dealer calls YOU when he has good deals on parts.

* You own the 2001 through to 2006 owner’s manuals, but you only have one car.

* You swing by the house at lunch to check the Forum email instead of eating.

* You would rather drive across the country, even though it is twice as cheap to fly.

* Normally, you give your other half drama for going to the shops but now you don’t mind as long as you can stay in the car park and watch for others admiring your car.

* The first waking thought you have at 6 AM. Every Saturday morning is to get up and go wash your car.

* You have an 8 x 10 colour printout of your car turning a corner, hanging on your office wall and on your PC.

* The only thing you use your computer for anymore is to check for new Forum postings.

* You get really cranky when you check your mail and there is no latest Newsletter.

* You take heart knowing that those bugs paid the ultimate price for messing up the front of your car.

* Your other half now points out other cars and you can tell her the difference between a 2001, 2001, 2002.5, 2003, 2004 and a 2005 model.

* You request a parking lot view instead of an ocean front so you can watch the guys gawk at your car instead of gawking at the babes on the beach!!!

* You wake up in the middle of the night, slink over to the window, part the curtains, and gaze at your car for a minute or so usually twice per night.

* You cannot stop smirking when others look at your vehicle.

* You eat lots of meat, drink lots of beer, don't exercise hardly enough, watch a lot of TV, and generally don't give a rat's butt about your health, but MAN, you treat that car like it's the last living member of the species on Earth. Which it is, really.

* You calculate your mileage every time you fuel up, and get mad at your other half when they don't reset the trip odometer when THEY fuel it up -- but, you probably don't let them fuel it up anyway since you hog up the vehicle.

* You sneakily look in the rear view mirror to see if that guy you've just passed is sneakily trying to get a second look at your car.

* You can hardly conceal that insane grin as people gawk at your car, but you try your best to look indifferent, even bored.

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"You wake up in the middle of the night, slink over to the window, part the curtains, and gaze at your car for a minute or so usually twice per night. "

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Yep - guilty of a few of those. Though, i'm pleased to say, the more normal ones - not the weirdo ones ;)

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sign you are addiceted to your car


#1 - you post on a car related forum and admit to addiction regarding your car

#2 - DOH!

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* You sneakily look in the rear view mirror to see if that guy you've just passed is sneakily trying to get a second look at your car.


sneakily busted :-)

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# your 8 y.o. daughter adores corrado's and can even identify which corrado driver is pulling up at the front door based on the noise of the engine ;)

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Guily of:


* You would rather drive across the country, even though it is twice as cheap to fly.


* The only thing you use your computer for anymore is to check for new Forum postings.


* You wake up in the middle of the night, slink over to the window, part the curtains, and gaze at your car for a minute or so usually twice per night.


* You cannot stop smirking when others look at your vehicle.


* You eat lots of meat, drink lots of beer, don't exercise hardly enough, watch a lot of TV, and generally don't give a rat's butt about your health, but MAN, you treat that car like it's the last living member of the species on Earth. Which it is, really.


* You sneakily look in the rear view mirror to see if that guy you've just passed is sneakily trying to get a second look at your car.


* You can hardly conceal that insane grin as people gawk at your car, but you try your best to look indifferent, even bored.


( Bwahaha cant believe how true that ^ one is :lol: )

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* You can't function on the job because your spouse took your car to work today.


Thats happened to me, only she got so scared about leaving in a car park she came back to work and gave me the keys back and walked 4 miles each way instead. I felt guilty for about 10 seconds, and releaved for about 2 hrs!

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* You wave at perfect strangers who have the same car as you...whether they wave back or not!

* You won't vacuum the house once a month but you sweep the garage once a week.

* Your dealer calls YOU when he has good deals on parts.

* You would rather drive across the country, even though it is twice as cheap to fly.

* The first waking thought you have at 6 AM. Every Saturday morning is to get up and go wash your car. (hardly ever do it though)

* You have an 8 x 10 colour printout of your car turning a corner, hanging on your office wall and on your PC.

* The only thing you use your computer for anymore is to check for new Forum postings.

* You take heart knowing that those bugs paid the ultimate price for messing up the front of your car.

* Your other half now points out other cars and you can tell her the difference between a 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and a 1994 model.

* You cannot stop smirking when others look at your vehicle.

* You eat lots of meat, drink lots of beer, don't exercise hardly enough, watch a lot of TV, and generally don't give a rat's butt about your health, but MAN, you treat that car like it's the last living member of the species on Earth. Which it is, really.

* You sneakily look in the rear view mirror to see if that guy you've just passed is sneakily trying to get a second look at your car.

* You can hardly conceal that insane grin as people gawk at your car, but you try your best to look indifferent, even bored.


MY GOD I'M SAD!!!!!!

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How about adding

*you spend most of your work time on the forum that if the IT dept ever looked into your web history you'd get the sack!!

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Signs that you are addicted to your car:


1/whenever something wrong happens with your car you develop insomnia thinking wether you should sell it or fix it ,then the next day you fix it then you sleep happy and think how can I spend more money on my car now? .

2/when you spend half your pay check on your car and still refuse to get rid of it.



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Signs that you are addicted to your car:


1/whenever something wrong happens with your car you develop insomnia thinking wether you should sell it or fix it ,then the next day you fix it then you sleep happy and think how can I spend more money on my car now? .

2/when you spend half your pay check on your car and still refuse to get rid of it.




No. 2 sounds about right!!!

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