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G60 PA

2.1L/2.0L Blocks

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Hi to all,


If anyone knows as to where I can get my hands on a nice 2.1l or 2.0l block for Mr Rado, can you let me know?


Kind Regards


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Yeh, thats an understatement!


I'm not to sure what to do! Whether to take mine out and start enlarging the bore's or post here to see if anyone can help!


Idealy, I'd like not to mess around with the 'Bore' option and get my horsepower hungry hands on a completed one.

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Whatever you do - Don't get the TSR Block as they use a diesel block so it has no oil squirters in it. Likely result of this is that the engine detonates as it can't cool the way it needs to.


You can go for just a larger piston of 83mm or you can go to something like 1940cc with something like Henny's on here! I have managed to take mine to 2021cc but as far as I'm aware only Racepower motorsport know how to do this (where I had mine done!) and Jim's comment was that he was never going to do one again as they are to complex and trouble to build. We've had alsorts of dilemmas with mine. All now well on way to being sorted.


But also you've got to think about the cost. Mine and Henny's cost a small fortune to do. I did mine because I specifically wanted to retain the G-Lader so it is a true G60 - however similar power can be produced through engine transplants such as 20v 1.8T and possibly cost you less.


Believe me you wouldn't want to know the bill that has been accumulating for me to try and extract all this power!!!!!

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