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parking brake screwed up

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ok, first of all, I gotta say that this only happens every... tenth or twentieth time, but annoying anyways.


When I pull the parking brake (that's what it's called, innit?), it doesn't click until after you're REALLY pulling it, about at max or whatever. How do I fix it? It's kinda loose anyways, so I'll dismantle the console to fix that soon anyways.


How do you fix it?

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Well, it shouldn't click at all as you're supposed to push the button in whilst you pull it up! Could it be that the teeth for the ratchet have rounded off...?

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Supercharged, yes, it does work, you just need to tug it quite hard every once in a while.


dazzyvr6, it's definitely still on the floor. Let's say to where you would normally put it if you parked in a steep hill or something.

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how high does the handbrake come up?i once pulled mine out of the floor


Came close to doing that yesterday! Thought the handbrake was sat too high when parked so took the surrounding console apart, found the metal plate that the handbrakes attached to is split and coming away from the tunnel. I reckon the plate is a made from low grade metal and needs welding, this is another Corrado weakness to look out for guys!

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haha, bet you'd feel pretty stupid when sliding around in an icy parking lot, and suddently sit with the parking brake lever in ya hand :) My mech fixed it for me, although I have no idea how.


I got a leather grip by the way, is that normal or am I special?

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