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BiggerBigBen selling his anti theft device for the corrado

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damm ebay removed the link


oh well was worth it whilst it lasted :)


p.s it was a tracking missle for those that missed it

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Heh quality even if it did have some sort of impact on the cancellation of the TSR2.




Showing your age there mate ;)

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Nah not really - just really liked it when I first saw one and doing some digging into the project just made me like it even more.


Shame it was cancelled, was a good 25 years ahead of it's time in performance and capability. You can blame that t**t Mountbatten for the cancellation more than most though.


It was a Bloodhound SAM for those who are interested.

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And for those that are wondering furthur here is some geeky info:


Some specs:

- Flying 50-200ft above automatically using ground terrain following radar at up to 800 knots

- Max speed in excess of mach 2.5 - a mere 300mph slower than the speed record set by the SR71 'Blackbird'

- Take off time of 12 secs and up to an altitude of 50,000 ft in another 50 secs

- Built in test equipment for all major systems (Self diagnosing electrics etc)

- Aircraft were mostly self-sufficient and all equipment required to operate them was airportable.

- 1800 ft take off distance

- Moving map display

- First aircraft to be equiped with a Zero Zero ejection seat (Meaning you could safely eject from a static aircraft, all other previous seats required forward speed of the aircraft usually above 80 knots)

- A wingspan of less than a Hurricane fighter plane

- Faster than the chase plane Lighting aircraft which is basically an engine with a very very small wing.


What was truely brilliant about this aircraft was that it was just so far ahead of its time. All of the above was flying in 1965 after only 8 years from the initial specification being placed. It was an entirely British project and was 15-20 years ahead of anything else made by anyone in the world.


I have no doubt that if it was not still in service now it would only just have been retired. It is a more cabable aircraft than its eventual replacement, the Tornado, and would have cost at least 4 times less than that airframe.


The final piece of irony is that this project was cancelled due to politics. Namely the government of the time cancelled a huge number of British aircraft projects - a supersonic Harrier (Only now just finishing initial flying trials as the JSF) and a Vertical take off transport plane. All of these were replaced with an order for American F111's (Which were over 10 years late and many times more expensive) Phantoms and Hercules. It is also possible to blame Mountbatten (That tool the IRA blew up) for going to Australia after the sales team for TSR2 had been and persuading the Aussies to buy the F111. Why did he go? Mostly because he wanted the Navy to have more carriers and buy Bucaneer instead - an infinetly less capable aircraft.


The best example of a TSR 2 can be found at the RAF museum at DCAE Cosford in the Midlands.

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