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This isn't technically an ICE issue, but it may cover ground useful to people with ICE problems...


Basically what is the EU ruling on how long you can return an item for a full refund if it goes wrong?


My mixer (home DJ - Denon DNX1500) has developed a crackle from all the deck inputs, only noticable at high volumes when there is no sound from the record (ie, turntable stopped needle in groove, loads of crackle through speakers)

Have done various swopovers with my brothers stuff downstairs and it is def the mixer at fault.


Just wondering how long I can take it back to the shop and say I want my money back as it's not working. They're fine about sending it back to Denon, but they said it'll take up to 3 weeks to get it back, then I have to stop by and pick it up again from the shop which is a fair way away from where I live... Oh the hassles life throws at you... :wink:


Just thought this could be useful to anyone who has head units etc that die withing a couple of months...


Oh yeah, bought it on the 9th of December, so it's under 2 months old....


Cheers!! :D

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It's usually the first 3 months if it goes wrong I think, but I might be corrected. Just depends on how hard you can fight your corner! Also depends on the warranty and shop policy which should be clearly displayed!

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There's no strictly defined limit, just "a reasonable time" written in law. Therefore it's down to the interpretation of whatever court it winds up in as to whether 2 months is "reasonable" or not.

Why do you want your money back? Won't they just replace it? Did you decide you don't like it?

Under the law you have a lot of rights in this country in circumstances like this, but it's still best to be reasonable.

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Nah, I'm not gunna be unreasonable about it. It's just its annoying that it'll be away for a few weeks as it's a fault with the unit.


Just wondering on the money back thing really...

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with the shop, as dr mat says "a reasonable time", which most retailers will see as around 28 days. with the maker, they should offer at least 1 year. give Denon a ring they are mostly very good with stuff like this. they may well not offer money back. check the terms and conditions in the instruction man.

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I'd probably push for a replacement - thereby saving yourself the hassle of having a repair and waiting. I think an item like that has a life expectancy well in excess of the 12 month warranty so I'd say it's not of merchantable quality if it's failing within 2 months.. (Use that phrase - as long as you don't "accept" a repair attempt, you have good grounds to get a replacement.)

I think it would be a little unreasonable to hold out for a refund though.

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