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front bumper replacement

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Ok guys had a search on here on how to take off front bumper. I found a link to another forum on how to do it. It said take the four 17mm bolts off from each side, i ended up taking the three out and not the on in the middle (middle one of the 3 that are in a row). Now im trying to get front bumper back on. Any advice on how to get the bolts back in???


Ive got the one on the wing side in ok. But the other 2 (longer bolts) will not go in. The back one on either side doesnt seem long enough for a start. The front 2 feel as if they go in and fall out. HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO IT? ive even tried jacking it up to get the rubber absorbers to compress but no joy.


Any help appreciated, needed ASAP.





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Not quite sure what you mean Critical_Mass, butmake sure that when you slide the bumper back into their housings you have the bumper sides stting on the side brackets. If thats all okay the bolts should simply go back directly. If they seem short, that means the bumper brackets are not in place. When the bumper is remounted you should hear the bracket clunk at the end.



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ok let me try say it again. there are the 2 long bolts on either side and one short one. Plus one other bolt which you dont need to take out thats in the middle of 2 of the 3 bolts. i've pushed the bumper as far in as i can get it. Ive manage to get all the bolts back in bar, the 1 furthest from the front of the car on either side, they seem too short. and the one furthest front on one side in.


will jacking the engine up help?

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There's only two bolts that need to be taken out per side.


I can't see how/why jacking the engine has any relevance though ....


The bumper slots into a rail either side and the bolts secure it.

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you have 3 bolts in a row right. middle one stays in. The one at the back on either side doesnt seem to reach the hole its suppose to be threading into thus not being able to screw it in. The front ones, ive managed to get oneside in but not the other. Any i can do to make it easier?

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Which other one have you taken out? It's only the two big ones you need to remove in order for the bumper to come off...


Can you get someone to wiggle the bumper while you try and thread the bolts? Sounds like it's not quite lined up.


Not sure about the two bolts that seem the wrong size though - if they came out, they should go back in :)



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think i did take the cross member ones out too. Proving difficult to get it back in. Ive taken out the front one and the back one, of the three that are in a row.

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ok looking at the pic you added. Ive taken out the one at the top and bottom. (or front and back, which ever way you want to see it) the one to the right on that pic ive managed to get back in. How ever the bottom one (backone) doesnt seem long enough. Sorry to repeat myself, just want to make sure you know what i mean.

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make sure they are tightened evenly or the bumper wont sit completely straight. When i did mine i was turning the bolt for quite a while before it felt like it was going in.

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ive managed to do it. but youre right bumper has a bigger gap one side. But reason for replacement is cos i had a bump. so cant expect it to be spot on again.

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