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Snooper S2

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Has anyone used one of these, I know it is a budget detector but don't have too many pennies at the moment.

Unfortunally with the summer coming and all the tourists the police seem to come out in force down here and I really want to try and keep my licience clean.


Cheers Tim

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I've got an S3 and it's fine for fixed cameras. From what I've read tho, most of the detectors are no good at detecting mobile cameras (talivans), due to lasers, and not radar (much), being used. I also got the rld unit as well, not just for radar, but because I got an extra laser detector that is now right near my front number-plate, this being the most popular targeting area on a 'suspect' vehicles!!! This unit is fine for me - I don't need to know what speed I shoud be doing, or what the speed limit is - it just alerts me to camera positions.


It really boils down to this - do the police use camera revenue generators, sorry - vans your way, or do they have Mr policeman stood at the side of the road - if they are stood at the side of the road, do they use hand held radar or laser detectors? It depends on what you're trying to detect!!


Fixed sites - easy - laser - not much chance - radar - none - S2 has no radar capability!


I've got a bit rambling - hope this sort of helps

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Glad you bought this topic up timg60 im currently thinking exactly the same thing but not sure what to get >> dont want to spend the earth :)

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I've got a Bel Euro 550 in the cupboard not being used if you want a good detector....


Wassit worth? ;)

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