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Water in foot well.

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Am looseing a small amount of water and finding a damp patch (ok ok iknw what you all are thinking lol) in the osf foot well would this be from the heater matrix?? I have no loss of power or oil so head gasket ok

any ideas

:?: :?: :!: :!: :wink: :roll:

Ps not over heating or any smells ( only from the damp patch ha ha )

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Hi mate


If you use the search you'll find loads of suggestions as to what it could be, I would say that it's likely that it's leaves in the scuttle pannel


I'll move this to 'interior' and change the title for you .

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Moving first of all :)


Is the water smelly/sticky? (God this thread sounds awful!!).


If it's *just* water it could either be water coming in over the scuttle cover or a leaky membrane in the door panel between the door card and the door itself.

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Mr Walesy Sir, my resignation will be on your desk in the morning.


Yours sincerely

The Jailor (Retired)

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I was kind of unlucky with my missus last night and got a damp patch on my carpet. Any ideas on how to remove proteins and other sticky dna stuff?


I heard some water and soap and some carpet cleaner would do the trick. Relax, we won't tell anyone.

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Which C do you have?


I dont know if this is the same for all Cs but there is a gromit hole behind the back of the shelf thing under the glove box. There may be a leak there, My VR had a bit if a dribble comming through in that place where some Monkey had poked a wire through and not sealed it back up correctly. Also check you door cards and drain holes in the bottom of the doors and see if it is comming through the doors.

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wants topping up so am thinking heater matrix has a leak now bet its bithch of a job and the-matrix gona cost me :!: :?: :cry: :roll: :cry:

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the heater matrix job is a bitch, yeah. there's an awesome guide on corrado-club.ca. One of the best guides I've read to be honest. Doesn't look too bad.


It's a common fault, but I don't know how much the matrix alone will cost you.

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You can, as far as I know only fit the G60 one but thats fine anyway. If its only just gone for the first time since new (approx 16 years!) its a safe bet the car won't outlast the new one you put in :)

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Thank all Dont think i want to do it think ill sell the car any1 want ag60

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :-(

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Mk3 golf ones are the ones to use apparently, think the scripts is VW made them a bit more robust, god knows, i fitted one and looked exactly the same as the one i took out like

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I seem to remember someone on here saying that the bypass valves retro fitted to the Mk2 Golfs, etc. were built in to the Mk3 heater matrix. I have no idea if it's actually true though.

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The wifes car had a bypass fitted as part of a recall on valvers

I asked and they checked to see if it had been done,and its listed as being.

time will tell or if it makes any differance



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I got more flipping problems, I think this is wat has happed the thermostat has seized shut presure bulit up and burst the matrix i then bypassed the matrix ran the engine but the water just over boiled over!!! so now am going to take out the thermoste see if it still boils over if it dose it must be the head gasket arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :-(???

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THINK ITS MUCH WORSE bypassed the matrix for now filled up with warter but water boiled over so i will take out the thermostat and if it still boils over it be the head gasket that got a leak am hoping its just the themostat thats has seized shut and the presure blew the matrix ??????arrrrrrrrrrrrr :-(

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