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g60 thermostat - confirmation needed!

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Since I'm dong a full coolant flush and replacing various pipes this weekend - I want to replace the thermostat while I am at it. From the searches/reading I have done so far it seems the housing is best to be replaced as well. What else should I be replacing? Has anyone any part numbers of these items? I'm not going to replace the water pump just now. Have also seen a thread mentioning about using a neuspeed low temp thermostat and fan switch - are these worth doing?


Any advice welcome!


EDIT: found this diagram - can anyone tell me what is needed (numbers will do) :) thanks


and also this is the url for the neuspeed stuff... http://www.awesome-gti.co.uk/vw%20golfmk3/engine.html

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Oh that looks a fun job..


As regeard the neuspeed low temp stuff. Well i don't have em fitted but I reckon they are worth it. My 60 runs well hot bud. I'm fitting my oil cooler this weekend. Anything that helps these cars must be a bonus. Err front intercooler neu speed stuff new oilcooler hmm what else can I sell to get this car ont he rd :lol:


Your best buying the stat and low temp switch seems a little pointless to get 1 or other.


Why do ya replace the housing?? Do they tend to crack or something..

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You have to get both low temp bits together else it will play up.


I am assuming #13 in that diagram is the housing - but needing confirmation as i've read about sensors here and there - just not 100% sure where these bits are.... Someone lend some advice pls!!

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13 is the housing yes.


It is quite an awkward job as the pas pump bracket needs to be removed to get access to the thermostat housing.

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Thanks to you both so far :) I'm changing the pas pump and various water pipes etc so all in that general area...


should i be replacing the pipe clip used instead of a jubilee? Read accounts that the torque setting on these are important due to the weakness of the plastic...


anyone else used the neuspeed stuff?

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Had the lower temp stat in the 'rat but not the switch - you don't need them both, and it doesn't play up if you only have one... I only fitted the stat as I wanted to get the water into the rad earlier and keep the average temps down, but I kept the original fan switch as I didn't want the fan coming on every time I stopped for 20secs at traffic lights or anything... ;) Worked fine for me...


Oh, and #13 is the housing, but mine wasn't cracked at all when I took it off, and that was on a 150k engine... It has brass inserts where the bolts go through anyway, so you're only going to crack it if you tighten the bots with a breaker bar or something! Just nip 'em up, plus a 1/4 turn for good measure and you'll be fine...

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cheers for that - i stand corrected!


the housing w3as only a fiver (approx) so just got it at the same time. did you re-use the spring clip?

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