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Practical Performance Car (mag)

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Hi all,

I'm considering buying a Corrado VR6 (~£4-5k) and have been reading through various threads here. All was looking good until I got a copy of the mag in the title. They basically slated it :mad:


Please can you provide opinions/advice on their following comments?


1. 2.9 overbore of golf 2.8 was a bad idea, cylinders 1&6 overheating and wearing quickly, oiling plugs and smoking.


2. Timing chain renewal at 70-80k very expensive (£350-400 IIRC)


3. Golf based gearbox weak


4. Interior assembled by Karmann not screwed together as well as Wolfsburg stuff.


I love the looks, sound and pace of the VR6 but not the reported potential problems.


Thanks in advance.

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Welcome aboard :)


Essentialy 1 and 2 are true, but how bad it is depends greatly on how well the car's been looked after. If the engine's not had regular oil changes and been thrashed from cold, then yes the timing chains will need changing at 70k and cylinders 1&6 will wear.


Having said that, we have a few VRs on here that are on 250k+ miles and Andi's car still has the original timing chains.


Changing the timing chains can be expensive though (at least £400) and as you need to drop the gearbox to do the change, most people do the clutch at the same time. That'll bump the cost up to somewhere in the region of £600-£700.


Once it's done, the chains should be good for another 100k or so miles at least. It's not really too much of a problem if you bear it in mind when looking - it's certainly less hassle and cost than changing timing belts regularly...


3 - Never heard that one before. The VR gearbox is pretty sturdy and there are quite a few people on here with modified G60s and VRs running 300+bhp through the standard gearbox. However, the gear linkage can sometimes go out of alignment and need a quick tweak to keep your gearchanges slick.


4 - They were all hand made cars, so yes, the interior isn't as sturdy as a Mk3 for example. Provided they haven't been messed around with by monkeys though, they don't tend to rattle.


My suggestion is to pop along to a couple of meets and/or shows and have a look/ride in other people's cars - find out what they have and haven't done to them. Once you drive one, the problems you've listed will soon fade into perspective :lol:


We've also got a Corrado Buying Guide and Checklist that'll give you a few more helpful tips.




Oh and it was L4PRG's car featured in the mag ;)

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Cheers for the replies guys. It's far better to know of the pitfalls in advance. My problem in the past is that I've been smitten with certain cars. Common sense goes out of the window and I've had a few unpleasant surprises (which my girlfriend reminds me of every so often).


Maybe the article will put a few people off and leave a better selection for me? :wink:

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i'd hardly say they were slating them..............as for the 2.8-2.9 being a bad idea.........i think they mean its more likely to cause a problem if the cooling system isn't up to scratch


timing chain is meant to last the life of the car............some err on the side of safety and replace it but plenty others have well over 100k on the original chain

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You're quite right to do your research on the Corrado before buying-and the possible pitfalls of the mechanics of the model. However, just about any car can be picked at for lacking in some way-none are perfect. If you have a real longing for, or affinity with the car you will buy one regardless, as many have done here.


As for the technical details, the people on here will help you in the right direction. My mechanical knowledge is zero. What I can tell you though, is that the VR6 is a pleasure to own and drive. If you do your homework and buy a clean example you will have very few problems if any.5 large will take care of that.


The only problems I have had have been the engine stalling (previous owner used wrong spark plugs) on start up. Proper plugs-job done. Original wipers replaced with Lupo's.


You will not get a better car for the money.

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My car was used in the snaps and i met the writer (Toby a real gent) and it was always meant to be worts 'n' all guide. He penned the guide together and then i brought the car up afterwards for the photoshoot. After the event we went for a spin down some country roads...his reaction was eyes popping out of head gripping the innner door handle with white knuckles and words along the lines of 'f**k me that sounds beautiful....i knew they were fast...but wow, i have got to have one.'


There are some little niggles with the C VR6 as with any car apart from maybe a volvo or a landrover circa 1954 ;) ...but if you are after a thrill..and would like to own one of the most individual classic sports cars on the road...get a Corrado...but get a good one thats been looked after.


As said above though - you are wise to look into all of the pitfalls..so if you decide too buy..you know what to look for.


As for the GF mate - i got it in the neck as well "you paid £xxxx for 12 year old car!!!!! are you facking mad!"

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Apologies vr6storm, "slating it" probably was putting it a bit strong. It's just I was a bit gutted to find out that the car I spend most of my time lusting after wasn't perfect...


However, I rapidly got over it and will continue to do the research and scrape the funds together (selling my Audi - is that a swear word in these parts?)


Thanks again.


P.S. Excellent forum.

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(selling my Audi - is that a swear word in these parts?)


P.S. Excellent forum.


You're fine with anything VAG, but it gets a bit borderline with anything else :lol:


And thank you :) We aim to please and be friendly :)

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