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please help a desperate girlie!!!!

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:? My other half loves his Corrado VR6 and being the loving girlfriend that i am would like to buy him a model for christmas. However, numerous internet searches is nto showing anything. Can anyone direct me to a site that i can find one


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buy him a supercharger kit instead :lol:


good luck with the search!


..on a sidenote, my girlfriend told me this morning that she dreamt she met a guy who makes models.. and she had him do up a custom corrado for me that looked just like how i want my 'dream corrado' :D ..shaved, rolled arches and all. she knows me too well!!

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Hi Lorna and welcome to the forum.


The short and skinny of it is that there are very few Corrado models around.. actual model kits are rare and often go for about £100 on eBay.. and actual die-cast or similar models are pretty uncommon.


eBay really is the only place you are going to find it.. though if it doesn't look like anything is around at the moment, looks like you'll be needing to rethink your christmas plans! :)

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there was a plastic Kit corrado made years ago, has a silver G60 on the box with racing stickers etc. the kits go for loads on Ebay, normally £60-£100, but for that you cant really make the model, cos it looses all the value

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I think there was a red one as well Nigel. Not 100% though. I would really want to build it though... can't resist fidgeting :cry:

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