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Diamond Bright

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Just a quick question, my little brothers mate sent me a polishing kit called Diamond Bright, just wondered if anyone has used this stuff before. He valets cars for a merc Dealer up in Scotland. I used it yesterday and it came up such a treat. its a long process but in my opinion it was well worth it.

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Bit of a gimmick imo (especially when garages charge 300 quidish for it) but if youve got it free and dnt mind spending a bit of time applying it then it wont do your paintwork all that bad!

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Was going to take some pics last night but as usual it started raining, so i thought i would do it today but once again raining. My brothers mate says its a once a year thing so everytime i wash it it should gleem!!!!! Will wait and see. Your right though they charge 300 quid ish to customers who are silly enough to pay it. I did get it for free and he says he can get me a few more on the sly!!!

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my valter gave me 2 bottles free,, its meant to be sh1t hot but its sitting in the corner of the garage, never been used

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