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Blackberry Beauty

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hi welcome...

i have a raddo in the same colour ar urs if u want me to send u some pics for ideas. i'd be more than happy. great colour choice!!!!


Ooooh yes please! :D And yes it is the bestest colour isn't it?? :wink: Hee hee

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yeah that is a very nice colour cant beat artic white thou as everyone knows!


i think her stance is already very nice like that!


those speedy's look ace like trigs!


maybe you could considewr the leather route?

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as for mod's you want to consider, the first i would do is get some good brakes, or it could turn out like my old blackberry rado :cry: and you don't want that happening, there are 2 good sets in the for sale section, :wink:

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Oh no! That's like the saddest thing I ever saw!!!! :(


iow_corrado_g60 - leather? Ick no! Way too expensive and sticks to you in summer... And it smells of dead cow.... ;) Used to have a white car, showed EVERY speck of dirt... Drove me nuts!

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ok please dont mention my old car again please, i still feel sad when i see a picture of it, i shouldnt have dragged up that pic, :cry:

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Just saw this coming out of Cardiff I think - very shiny 8)

Yeah I just cleaned her :) The seagulls where I park for work have it in for me :x


:cry: alas my baby is ill... Garage on Thursday, just hope they can work their usual magic...

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UPDATE: Been to garage and (touch wood...) she seems to be all fixed :D I am one happy bunny... Time to start saving for mods ;)

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I'd keep the speedlines, I think they look spot on esp. when slightly lowered! if you really have your heart set on new ones, how about some Speedline Comp2 16" (if you can still get them)


Great colour BTW :wink:

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I'd keep the speedlines, I think they look spot on esp. when slightly lowered! if you really have your heart set on new ones, how about some Speedline Comp2 16" (if you can still get them)


Great colour BTW :wink:


I haven't completely decided on whether to change my wheels... But the ones I have on at the moment aren't in perfect nick... I'll have a goosey at the Comp2's though :)

And thanks, 'tis a great colour!!! :lol:

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