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Daz - good on you mate but your a bloody crazy man.. :lol:


Daz, as you know Crazy can be good sometimes :D


If I get this finished in five weeks, I'l never be able to make any excuses again as to why the Golf G60 project has taken 6 years and it still not done :D :shock:


P.S remind Steve to bring my G lader back, I need to get it chromed :wink:



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:D Yesterday I went to dropped my rear bumper off at the plastic welders, but when I got there he had locked up :( , so I left it at the side of his unit and sent him a text telling him that I wanted to delete the exhaust and towing eye holes and plastic fill the lower swage line, I also mentioned that I needed it back ASAP.


So Imagine how suprised I was when I phone him this afternoon to ask him if he'd found it, and he tells me its fininhed :shock: :? :D .


I still needs a bit of rubbing down but it's near enough ready :D

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Only just seen this Daz. I reckon your guna crack it mate. Looks like you've got a get on with attitude so i reckon its all going to be done. Good work mate, id love to have the courage to pull mine apart like that. Tiz going to be rather nice when its done!!!!!!

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Only just seen this Daz. I reckon your guna crack it mate. Looks like you've got a get on with attitude so i reckon its all going to be done. Good work mate, id love to have the courage to pull mine apart like that. Tiz going to be rather nice when its done!!!!!!


Thanks for the encouraging words Nick, I hope I can get it all done, I've got a picture of what I want it to look like in my head & it just wont feel right unless its all done.


As far as the courage to pull it apart go's , I'm a bit like that with everything, I've got massive Ideas for everything house, garden, cars etc can be a bit of a bad habit :oops:

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Finally finshed the passenger side carpet, it just needs leather edging where it joins the base of the rear seat panel.


New alarm has arrived Toad Ai606 bargin at only £99 brand new,

Ordered a few styling bits from DDI,


Took bonnet, wings, doors to join my bumpers at the bodyshop, (Eleven 80 Customs) for smoothing and A6 handles.

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the carpet looks amazing.


Thanks mate, it was'nt that hard to do either, about 5 hours work in total.


Not done the boot or mat's yet though, but they should be easy.

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Respect dude :notworthy:


Always said you firemen have too much time on your hands though :lol:



I dont know what you mean!!...........Cough.........start my first of 10 days anual leave today...cough :oops: :D

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the carpet looks amazing.


Thanks mate, it was'nt that hard to do either, about 5 hours work in total.


Not done the boot or mates yet though, but they should be easy.


I am thinking about trying to make some carpet for the boot as black doesnt look very good in there with tan in the rest of the car.

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where did you find a plastic weders?!


I know you ment plastic Welders :D


The plastic welder is a guy me and all my mates use, He's in Wallsal not far from Jcn 9, M6, he's quite well priced too, he only charged me £35 for the rear bumper & £30 for the front.


I'l get the number up tomorrow.

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Fair does you're off your trolley......


But if you pull this off fair fecking play. :notworthy:


Good luck dude

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Here are a couple of pics of yesterday afternoons adventures.


*Gearbox cleaned ready for painting,

*All threds, brakets and unwanted other bits removed from chassis legs and suspension turrets.

*Plates cut for chassis legs.




Note: I am nowhere to be seen as my Missus isnt well, so I could only pop out to take the odd photo in between taking buckets of sick to the toilet :pukeright: & feeding me ever hungry Little girl :D


So big thanks to mates Mark & Am for cracking on with things :D

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Blimey, this moves on a lot every day!! You going to need to stock up on redbull mate!! Loving it so far

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Just had some bad news to throw a spanner in the works :cry:


I got in touch with Rob (engine guy) at about 9pm and he said the bottom end was worse than I'd thougth, there is excesive ware and it might not be able to be rebuilt :cry: :shock: . (Can be fixed but not cost effective)


He said it looks like the oil pump had given up, leaving the crank shaft, con rods and everything else to grind away at each other , with 1mm of play in some places :shock:


So now I need to find a 2.8 block to rebore to 2.9 and rebuild using my 2.9 pistons, New oil pump of course :evil:

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Been having loads of problems with different area's of gettin the car up and running, engine, RUST :shock: it not looking good for worthersee but I'm still gonna crack on with it, as you never know what can happen


More updates and Pics soon.



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good luck with it mate.


thats my worst nightmare, getting a bomb shell like that

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As expected by many it is not going to be ready for when I leave for Worthersee :cry:( 4 days time :D), a number of things have led to a virtual stop in progress.:(


I am determined that this will not turn into another project Golf G60 and not get competed, so as soon as I am back from Austria I'l be back on it.:doc:

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Only just realised your location!!!! I Live just off J6 M6... (Great Barr)


I'll have to come over an d have a butcherss.... Well done so far on your project mate...

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