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Stiff accelerator pedal

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Another question for you all (i'm full of 'em!)


My accelerator pedal seems really stiff. To the point that when i change gear and take my foot of the pedal the revs are still high. I've had look underneath the pedals but part of the dash is in the way so i cannot see. :( Anybody had similar problem.


Its also started to squeek when I accelerate. Add this to my brakes squeeling and the interior rattling when i go over bumps of almost got a band together! I should record it and release it as a dance track! Top 10 hit me thinks :)

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My accelerator pedal is very squeeky too- haven't had time to have a proper look at it yet- sure it just needs a dab of 3 in 1 or something (hopefully!).

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i had a stiff accelerator when i bought my c, and eventually took off the cable and found it needed greasing up but then found the cabling was frayed so its easier to get another. so take out the cable first its a 5 min job and check how free it is, then the pedal?


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My accelerator pedal is a bit squeaky too.. must get that looked at!



When I first bought mine, had the same problem with the pedal being really stiff. A friend disconnected the throttle cable and ran a little WD40 all the way down it.. sorted the problem.


Its also worth noting that the throttle cable gets quite slack if it hasnt been tightened up in a long time - mine was slack to the point of not actually opening the throttle the whole way. Tightened it up and it gave the car a noticable amount of extra punch :)

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I am 90% sure WD40 dissolves grease or says something to that effect on the tin, it frees stuff up but evaporates and leaves a mild coating or something, so you need to re grease what you use it on. I would use a little 3in1 oil or something.

I could be talking rubbish, but dont have an english WD40 tin to hand and my spanish anit that good. Someone check and tell me i wrong please!!

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cant remember exactly how the cable is fixed on but i think its just a loop or just a fixing of some sort. put some wd40 down it first and make sure its really loose then grease it. make sure theres no frays on it though as you dont want the thing snapping on you.

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Don't use just WD40 - it acts as a degreasant and will eventually dry out.


Best thing is something simple like engine oil or 3-in-one.

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Dont bother guys - due to the way the cable routes it wears out the sleeve inside the cable at the bends - rather than mess about buy a new cable from VW (£15) and you will be amazed at the difference!!!! :lol:

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buy a new cable!!!


its true. amazing difference in the feel and satisfaction of the go pedal after you fix the cable.


you have to take the lower dash panel above the pedal off. i took my seat out too since it takes 3 seconds in a vw. lie on your back with a flashlight and you can see that the cable is attatched with a loop of wire around a post that looks like a screw or nail with no thread. my cable also had a wire clip holding it in place that looked like a previous-owner quick fix that was a bitch to get off.


its a 5 minute job other than fiddling with the hoop and the post..


good luck. GET A NEW CABLE!!!! :p

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oh also.... have one of your friends floor the pedal (with the car off) after you put in the new cable and watch the cable where the adjustment is.. adjust until its just right. one little notch can make a lot of difference.


if you leave this slack you'll never use all the car's power. if you make it too tight you'll be buying another cable in a while.


good luck.. keep askin questions, sounds like you have all the same problems i've had! aren't corrados FUN!!? :p

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just replace the cable as like everybody else has said the inners wear and can lead to cable breaking....not much fun in the middle of the night. :evil:

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I replaced the cable last night. What a difference!!! There is no resistance on the accelerator pedal now. I know its a pychological thing but the car feel quicker. You only have to touch the pedal and the engive revs!


I really recommend doing this if your pedal is slightly stiff. Easy to change too.

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i priced a cable from VW today and was told £33 plus the vat?

where did you guys get the £15 accelerator cables from?

surely the price can't have changed that much in a month!!!


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Yep. I was quoted £33 for a VR6 cable just last week from my (un)friendly dealer :-(


Dealer did ask for the chasis number tho' - maybe later cars are much different? Or is it the G60 or 16V cable that's the £15 one?



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how do they manage to make them so different that it doubles the price.

oh yes my dealer is very unfriendly too!!

all the vr6 ones must be dearer

maybe its the way its routed is different?

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I thought that the VW accelerator cable was pretty much a standard item. :?

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The cable I bought form the dealers was for the G60. I don't know if it is any different to the VR6 but it was £23 not £15. Hope this helps

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I have discovered:


Part numbers for rhd manaul gearbox 2.9 VR6's


up to chasis 50-R-017000 - 536 721 555 A

chasis 50-S-003001 onwards - 536 721 555 E


don't know the engine codes for the other Corrado variants but most cables are the same number with a different letter at the end, so I guess they can't be that different can they???




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Just picked up my cable from the dealers.


'91 G60 with 50*M*** chassis no - part no 536 721 555.


Retail price is £21.27, but I payed £19.15 with my discount.

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Well, I've owned VW's for the last 8 years, & I'm on first name terms with the lads in the parts dept!

Plus, I used to be a Club GTI member, which gets you 10% discount on parts. :thumbleft:

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My Stealer in Canterbury gives me 15% discount on production of my CCGB card- I've already saved well over the cost of a year's membership :D

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i worked at the stealership as the courtesy driver for half a year after i bought my C. you want to talk discount? how about fixing all the little corrado neglect bugs with the vw shop and tools at your disposal, and parts at cost +5%?! (works out to about 55-60% of retail) :shock: 8)


na na! :D

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