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In 2 years my Scoob has had an oxygen sensor in the exhaust, fixed free under warranty.

and...... surely something you'd expect nowadays with a modern car???


dont get me wrong, I think may of us see your point about things moving on and getting better; horses for courses.


Should I go rice, I'd fancy that boring not super quick car...... yep a S2000; all the fun and summer delights of the MX5 but so much better !!!

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Gazza, many of the Scooby boys are now starting to switch to VAG as the diesel engines are gonna be the performance market for the next generation of tuners. Many short term Scooby owners jump ship as the fuel and insurance is usually way more financially demanding than they expected. A bit of work pu into a Seat Leon/Ibiza or Skoda Fabia can release reasonable HP, but massive torque, which any driver knows is the Holy Grail. All we need from VAG is a good 4WD system to make better use of it and I may even come back to the Germans (or Spanish/Czech).

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lol, whats with all the bashing?


'museum', 'hatchback', 'VW leftover pile'?


you come on here and start the arguement?


your really just proving what some people on here think to be honest mate, much as I do admire your use of long words.


As was said above, everyone has different tastes, and I really don't see the styling of the Corrado as dated. A mate of mine has a scooby with none of the kit on it, and it does look like a very plain, boring car, I don't see how you can say the styling of the Corrado is worse than that?


Just accept that people have different views on things, and that there isn't a right or wrong answer as to which is 'better'.


Given the choice I would take my VR over a scooby any day of the week, I just don't like them, and what (to me) they are associated with. I do appreciate that there is a group of very nice, mature, and inteligent owners of Scoobies out there, but the vast percentage of the ones I come into contact with are rarely travelling below 300mph, I can't usually distinguish the exact age of the driver underneither the baseball cap, but I would assume he had to be over 17 to have a license.


Sorry, but the majority I see on the roads are driven fairly quickly, and fairly dangerously (speed, accelerating through towns, tail gating). You will get that with any car, but don't post saying that scooby drivers are the exception to the rule.


peace and good will to all men etc, we are all different, with different tastes :)

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My negative stance on this BBS comes from experience, where lots of people are quick to slur, slander, humiliate and disapprove, and yet never really do anything constructive to create a good friendly and welcoming atmosphere. You view the C through rose tinted glasses I'm afraid.


You post a link to another forum about a VW owner (admittedly, one with slightly questionable taste....quad exhausts, 18s etc) defecting and you expect our members - VW fanatics - to be congratulative and supportive about him buying a Subaru? The majority of us ARE open minded, friendly and easy going but you will always get replies that aren't to your liking. My advice is to not poke the dog with a stick and then complain when you get bitten. It's not just C owners that peer at their cars through rosey specs (allegedly) all the time. You need to look at some other forums aswell. You are somewhat lucky to be part of Scooby net and the P1 register as they are all decent blokes from the few times I've been on there, defo in the minority.


I have nothing against Scoobs, I don't like them at all (having worked on and driven my mate's small collection of them) or their owners. Just can't see the need for threads like this imo as it feels like you've just instigated this to start a big discussion about Subarus.

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Stuart, yes it is what you expect from a new modern car. However, the service manager at my local VAG dealers (I still go there regularly for C bits unfortunately) told me that Audi's are currently running at just over 60% warranty claims. I have heard that Subaru are at 17%, although I cannot qualify that.

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']['H3R4POR (whatever that is) I wholely agree, the Scoob is an ugly car. I buy ornaments, paintings and lingerie to look at. I buy cars to drive and when I'm driving them, apart from the odd shop window, I cannot see what they look like. I can see other peoples though, so thanks to all the people with attractive cars for giving me something to look at.

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As this is clearly a waste of time, I'm gonna lock this.


Feel free to post the same discussion on a ricer forum tho.

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