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My wheels stick out

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We've just bought a Corrado with Brock wheels on. Width is either 7.5 or 8 on the front and 9 on the back. Problem is, the car is lowered and the wheels are 16's, and not only do they currently catch just the inside of the lip of the arch, but they stick out about 1" from the arches on the back. My husband loves this, but I don't and the problem is the car needs MOT'ing in July, so what do we do, wack a smaller set on for the MOT, or can the arches be 'pulled' out, or would we need extensions fabricated? Also never seen a picture of a Corrado that has had the arches extended so any advice would be really appreciated.


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The catching can possibly be sorted with a bit of arch rolling - the inner lip (at right angles to the outer arch) is folded back on itself, up into the arch.


I think there are various options bodywork wise, depending on how much 'extra arch' you need.


The arches can be pulled out a bit, but to get a decent job I think you'll need proper metal extensions. They do look very cool when done properly.


Some of the seriously low and wide fellas will be along very shortly to answer properly I'm sure. :)


you could try pm'ing 'scarlett'?? i think she has 9 inchers all round!

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Thanks for your quick reply. Problem is, just having the arches rolled won't solve the problem I have with the wheels sticking out beyond the arch. Due to the inevitable cost involved, I want to make sure that whatever we decide to do is right. I'm just worried having not seen a corrado with arch extensions. Also if we went down this route we'd need to do front as well and put spacers on? Also if anyone has any recommendations for any where in the Midlands we'd be grateful

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As long as the tread of the tyre is contained within the arch then you'll be fine - my other half (scarlett) runs 9s all round, and whilst the wheels come past the arches when viewed from above, the tread is within the arch and so is legal...

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As long as the tread of the tyre is contained within the arch then you'll be fine - my other half (scarlett) runs 9s all round, and whilst the wheels come past the arches when viewed from above, the tread is within the arch and so is legal...


Does that mean that it will pass an MOT with no need to change wheels etc....if so it could save us a fortune, and the hassle and worry.


Obviousley will still need to get them rolled, or my hubby mentioned something about bump stops? But I'm worried that will make the ride too hard and it isn't on coilovers.....yet


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Yup, it should pass an MOT like that... If in doubt, speak to your local friendly MOT tester and see what they say...


As for the rubbing, you should just be able to get the inner lips folded up to stop that from happening, like double-6s said - as long as the car isn't on the floor it should be enough.


As for extending the arches, have a look in A20 LEE's gallery thread - he's has his arches professionally extended to cover his 9.5" rears...


hopr this helps! :)

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