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Dr Forinor

Drove a 53 plate bimmer

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My cousin just bought a 53 plate 320 Sport with an M kit, looks nice, just your average bimmer basically. Anyway, he took me around for a spin and then said "here ya go, see what you think".


So took it off for a drive, needless to say it's not all that fast but for a 2litre, its nippy enough. The drive I must admit was amazing, I didnt push it to anywhere near the limit (me not being 100percent confident in a RWD car, no matter how much power it has), but even then you could tell how much grip it had in reserve.


The feedback was amazing, the ride was taught round bends, the steering wasn't too light, had a good weighty feel to it, gear change was excellent, pedals were spaced perfectly, great driving position, I really dont have anything bad to say about it at all. I knew BMWs were a drivers car but I dont think I ever appreciated how good they actually were/are.


I enjoyed it SOOO much that I want to ask for a "borrow" now. I might actually even consider buying one myself, I never thought I would say it. I mean I know M3s and M5s are amazing cars, there's no doubting that, but they're in another league. The fact that this one isn't all that powerful, just the drive was fantastic even though it didnt have the power, I was left breathless to be honest.


Anyone have any comments on a fairly new BMW they might have tried out?

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not in a BMW, but drove me mates R32 the other day, an that was awsome. just went round the block acouple of times, like you say its all very tight an nice, but then again they are nearly knew cars an not a 10yr old 'c'. i was very impressed with it, clutch an acclerator peddle were feather light an the engine power an grip just propelled you foward really well. hes gonna let me take it for a proper blast soon, an i cant wait :mrgreen:

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Yes, ran an E46 320i Coupe for two years, not the worst car I have ever owned but without a doubt the worst ownership experience ever, car was not reliable, lots of niggling little things and dealers couldn't care less, was left with the feeling that I didn't matter as I was "only" a 3 series driver.


Experience compounded by the work I have done with several BMW sites over the last twelve months - all displayed an unbelievable level of arrogance, summed by one particular site in Anglia last december "We don't need to follow up potential customers - we know EVERYBODY wants to drive a BMW therefore they will come to us" - I personally never want to be associated with a brand where the people who represent the brand display such attitudes

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we know EVERYBODY wants to drive a BMW therefore they will come to us" - I personally never want to be associated with a brand where the people who represent the brand display such attitudes



got the same crap attitude at mercedes too, i couldnt get the salesman to sell me a new van !!!!!!, because i wasnt dhl or a large concern he couldnt be bothered to do a fair deal with me, the service department wanted to charge £13 :shock: to change stop/side bulb whilst it was IN for a service, can you believe it ... excellent vehicles marred by anger inducing muppetry / arogance .... i do all the service / repairs my self these days

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my gf has got got the sh1ttiest old e36 you have seen ,i sprayed it and it rusted again ,it has 170 odd thousand on the clock ,but it drives fantastic ,smooth and nippy for a 1.6 and it has a perfect driving position ,i love em !!

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I owned a 03-plate 330ci for a while... It was ok, felt very impressive in it but It was thirsty, the clutch was very heavy and it was more of a cruiser than anything really... I didn't like driving it around town but was excellent on the motorway... I wouldn't own another unless it was a M3.... It makes up for all the litle errors of the car... That i'd live with untill its time for a service £1000+. owch!!!!

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Ive got a 330 sport E46 as the main 'family car' - its pretty faultless - in fact too faultless - Its just too clinical and becomes 'boring' after a while. For reliability and long distance travelling it cannot be faulted but I think they made this car just 'too' well.

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