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The Lakes

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I was staying in a hostel just past Wrynose pass two weeks ago. The flat bit down the valley after you come over the pass is absolutely mental as you can see miles ahead yet it is twisting and rising/falling all over the place. Watch the rocks (don't cut!) and sheep though. Definitely worth a blast and then go over Hardknott, the steepest road in England.



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jeffcabbage, where do you live ?


i live in kendal red corrado16v, think there is gonna be a north west meet on the 21st of this month at longlands near carnforth you should come

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Wrynose Pass…! Now there’s something that I still wake up in a cold sweat about. Brrrrghh..! :shock:


It is unbelievably steep and narrow. I Got stuck up a steep verge after being courteous to let some vehicle pass me coming down the hill (there will be none of that courteous stuff again if I went back over that blummin’ pass :mad: ).


It all happened by me reversing down hill on the road but allowing my rear left hand side tyre to run up the banking putting all sorts of twists and rocking actions through my 16 valver. Because of the nonsensical positioning of my car the front wheel drive on it’s own wasn’t enough to pull the vehicle back off the grass. I was well and truly stuck.


Meanwhile, the guys I’d let pass, and were the only people who could help, were off down the hill with not so much as a ‘thanks Mr Super Coupé’.

Fortunately some guys turned up and pushed me back up the 1 in 3 to get me going again.


You really do sh1t yourself at a moment like that, especially cherishing your car like I’m sure most do.


I ran over a jack russell on this holiday jaunt as well. Bu66er! Not a good day for Corrado driving but memorable I suppose. :(


Lots of the roads are excellent for taking the Corrado around though BTW – but choose wisely.

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Stormin Dave,


All in all sounds like i was luckly......?!


Dont know what i would have done if i had met someone going up.

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Wrynose and Hardknott both go from the Duddon valley, which is the most deserted valley in the lakes. At night it is very rare to meet someone else on the road but in the day it can be a nightmare, mainly because there are loads of idiots who are not used to such tight roads, do not know the width of the huge 4x4 they are driving, are incapable of reversing in a straight line and don't seem realise that you are allowed to have one or more wheels off the tarmac. If you fulfil any of these criteria I would give it a miss :)



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lol i can assure you there was only one corrado making noise in the lakes this weekend lol


Didnt see a single one..........


LOL.. I was up there in my C this weekend!

Went camping in Patterdale. Only Rado I saw was a reddun, M6 Southbound near Preston Sat afternoon. (anyone?)


I did that same drive to Wasdale head via Hardnott & Wrynose pass last year too. Didn't know it was the steepest road in england at the time, though it did feel like it! Some of the downhill bits were the scariest roads I've ever driven on.

Agree with what's said above though. Not a driving road, more a hillclimb adventure.


Came home this Monday via Kirkstone. Had a white Skyline up my hoop all the way to the top. Poor KR was gasping by the time I'd hoofed it up there. Skyline was prob in fifth! :lol:


Pics from Kirkstone taken earlier this year...


How good's it in the Lakes??

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The Lakes are indeed a lovely place with some cracking roads.


I was there a couple of years ago.....




My favourite roads to date though are in North Wales, particularly the A5, running from Bets-y-coed in Wales and through the Snowdania national park. Awesome!

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My favourite roads to date though are in North Wales, particularly the A5, running from Bets-y-coed in Wales and through the Snowdania national park. Awesome!


Betws-y-coed :lol:


agree with you there mate 8)

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