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just found this C on the trader. .

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Just don't park in low-ceiling'd multi-storeys - or any normal house garage to that effect too...

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there ok, it depends how much room they give you to get in. Some only open upwards, others open up and out giving you more room.


i would like to see doors that are hinged where the handle normally is and open at the front, with the handle being under the wing mirror. Probably very impracticle but id still like to see it!

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i know a lot of people have dissed these doors in the past but i like `em a lot :)


I don't usually like them - but I like them there!

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Bit pikey. Why bother? For the cost of that conversion you could have bought some things to make the car faster or stop better.

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Not bad if you live in Milan and your name is Liberace.

As you're 22 you would get away with it.I do think in a mad way it's pretty cool.I would die of embarrasment(spl?)all the same.

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Chav b*stards. I bloody hate 'scissor'doors. If Don Johnson drove a Rado in Miami Vice it would have those doors.


Leave it!!


BTW you can get plenty of ... VRG number plates for 250 quid on the dvla site. Personally I fancy L666 POT though :)

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imagine what you would look like getting out of that car in a busy place.

Dunno about you but I would feel like a right wanger

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