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Bought a corrado! - Poorly HELP!

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NottsCounty wrote

If I was you i'd get all that crap out of the gap between the wiper motor and heater intake, if you've not already!!


Basically, it builds up - blocks the drainage holes and soaks the inside of your car.


Seeing that, bugged me, too, fusspot that I am.

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Isn't that a coilpack engine in there? I was sure they didn't appear until '94 or am I wrong?


Using oil isn't a good sign, so best of luck sorting it.

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Hmm, i've been told that the vr6 uses alot of oil anyway so i'm not so worried about that yet. After just getting back from dropping my car off at my garage so it can be looked at tomorrow the guy said it might be a coil pack or maybe even leads so we shall see. Needless to say after leaving it for a few days it wasn't missing at all, still cutting out at junctions but actually running ok when you were on the move.


I'll keep you lot posted.

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grimmy, sorry to hear your problems! :( Try unplugging the MAF. If the car dies after a few seconds, it should be OK. If it keeps running, it's knackered.

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As clear cut as that? Jesus... Well its at the garage which i trust now so hope everything goes ok. If not i'll have a vr6 for breaking, with mint interior :p

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Coilpack failure is common after about 100k miles grimmy.

Test it by spraying water onto it from a plant mister with engine running.

If engine falters more, coilpack is probably cracked beyond repair, though hairline cracks will be difficult to see.

(When peering in, keep your tie, hair and ZZ Top beard, etc out of the way of the idling engine, please.)

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Well it wasn't my coil pack, and there was oil over the bottem corner spark plug. The bloke at the garage was trying some other stuff out first before taking the head off and takin a look... It doesn't idle right, and and when you unplug the idle control valve it runs fine, he's tried another one that he knows works and it runs poorly with that too?


In regards to the oily plug, he said he hoped it wasn't piston rings so i could get it gas flowed... Does he not realise how skint i am!!


In one single word, i'm gutted.

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Welcome to wonderful world of the Corrado! Similar thing happened to me at Stealth last week, and I'm skint too. Oily plug could be the rocker cover gasket- had same thing with my valver, and it turned out to be the gasket. My front mount was snapped too. Went there expecting to pay £250 for a cam and supension fitment, and came away having spent £500!!! :cry:


If it turns out to be the RC gasket, it shouldn't be too costly. Let's hope!

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Cazza, can you elabourate on the unpluggin the airflow meter comment... Because curiously enough if you unplug the afm the car just keeps running, so you reckon its knackered?! The bloke at the garage didn't believe that was right. Also if you unplug the idle control valve it runs fine, replaced it with one that works and as soon as you connect it, it starts dying and can't idle. ?!

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Let the car warm up on idle. Unplug the MAF. If the car dies or the revs drop and it drives badly, your MAF is OK. If it just carries on as normal, the ECU has adjusted to work with the knackered MAF. Maybe it's also worth checking the throttle position sensor too.


Try resetting the ECU too. Should be plenty on all this if you use the search.


Hope this helps, and you get it sorted! Keep us posted.

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Well i'm not the one doing it all, i'm fairly clueless with this car as i've not even had it a month. He said he's tried throttle position senor, and he's reset the ecu. The air flow meter was brand new when i bought the car so should be working.


He said he's running out of things that he can try, he's stumped. Might have to take it to a VW dealer to get it sorted :(

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Hmm, I'm sure others will say the same but a VW dealer is even less likely to know what to do.


You say it is at a VW specialist at the mo. Who is it with?

I'm sure you will be given plenty of recommendations soon.

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Its at a place called Blakes Services, they're a vw audi specialist on the outskirts of Stroud. He usually knows his stuff, but doesn't have some of the more expensive daignostic stuff. I'm getting fed up with it now, its spent a 3rd of the time i've owned it in a garage!

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Is that the one in Stonehouse?


Take it to Stealth :wink: Defo worth the hours drive!

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Nah Northfields in Tetbury, not that far from Wooten really, about half an hours drive i think. Whereabouts is stealth?

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Stealth Racing is north of Banbury, just south of Southam. stealthracing.co.uk


I've been taking mine there the last year on recommendations from plenty on here.


The is someone in Stonehouse, Allard Turner Motor Racing with a Golf VR6 in the VW Cup. Don't know what they are like for diagnosing problems and haven't heard of anyone on here using them but they are more local to you.

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I've got my car back, with a new MAF and its stopped dying, and is running sooooo much better in the high revs, after 4k it used to drop off but now just keeeeps on pulling. I thought it was quick before, but now its something else!!


The only problem now is its pretty spluttery and lumpy below 3k. Is that just the mixture? I don't really wanna take it back to the same guy as did all the work for nothing and feel a bit mean taking it back again saying its still not right. Think i'll try that turners garage in Stonehouse.


Just gotta wait and see if the plug oils up again to see if the bore is knackered :(

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Also he said the cone i got on there at the moment is a bit small, and needs a heat shield. Would a Jabba sport one fit with a bit of fiddling, i know they're intended for a g60 but can they be bodged?

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Ditch the cone! They may sound great, but defo rob you of power. Get a BMC (check out the group buy going on at the mo :wink: or just the normal airbox with a panel filter. You can remove the snorkel from the airbox too, which makes a nice sound. You'll notice quite a difference.


Glad it all seems to be sorted now mate :)

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Well i fitted the old air box for about an hour.... couldn't live without that sound!! Can't say i noticed that much of an improvement. I'm investigating building a propper heat shield and getting a much larger cone. It'll all be sorted in few weeks and i'll get pics up when it is :)

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