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Should I be worried by puff?

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Went out in my new VR this morning and noticed something.


I've been driving quite over-sensible this week, due to lack of funds for petrol, so again I was driving like a "Grandad" (no offence intended for the Gramps out there ;) ). I got to a T Junction and gave her a little bit of welly to get out in front of another car, and as I did so, I looked into my rear view mirror and noticed some smoke, not a huge amount, with a slight blue tinge to it, I think. I say I think coz I only saw it for a split second, and the car behind the smoke was blue as well.


Could it just be that she hasnt really been over 2k revs for a week and this was the first booting she'd had, or is it something a lot more serious? :(

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Sounds like it's burning a little bit of oil. No great surprise. Just keep an eye on the oil levels...

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Mine does the same when....


I hav'nt booted it for a while and give it a good clear out

When i leave it on prolonged over run


Valve stem oil seals, no biggie and if its not unsociable dont worry about it!

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k guys thnx 8) was kinda worried that it was summit major like head rebuild! I do feel a lot happier now :)

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