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Anyone had the full set?

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This could die out pretty quick lol - thought id ask if anyone's ever had all the rado engines?


I'm hoping to get a G60 when im older to go with my brother's Storm (CorradoWannabe) and the 16V if they both survive long enough. Anyone done this before?

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I've had all bar the VR6 :(


Gotta remember the 8v's aswell! :)

hehe yep. Well if having 200k miles on the Storm ever gets too much then he might tone down to an 8v :-P

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Haven't had a 1.8 16v either :( . Have driven them all, does that count? :wink:


Have had:


2.0 16v


2.0 16v


2.0 16v


Loved 'em all, but my fav has to be my first VR, which now belongs to M15VW.


So Walsey's winning at the mo :p


Think Mike Edwards has had a few...

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