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I know this will get locked immediately.... perhaps not....

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Sounds like you may finally be seeing sense, didnt mean any personal offence tho, just seems a little too far fetched for me.


Finishing the charger project sounds like a good plan, and with the ridiculously low petrol price over there anyway, cant see why you'd butcher a good corrado chasing dreams of free power and levitation...


Anyway, good luck, gotta be one of the best threads i've read on here... :lol:

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uh yeah... funny thing was the EMF shut down my weed wacker engine 3 feet away...


still I'll stick with logic for this groups sakes...


haha low petrol price? are you kidding me?


there is a difference in the economy of the us and the uk, you have a lot of takes, so do we. your per year spendable dollar is about 2 times that of ours tho... go figure.


and we dont have free health care.

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Free healthcare, now who's joking? This country sucks the biggy.


You may think the grass is greener m8 but you aint seen nothin till you've lived here....

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So you're giving up on the levitation project to re-start the supercharger project you gave up?


Mate, put some petrol in your car and go and drive it for goodness sake!! :)

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i was going to ask about this one in the near. I want to see the potatoman shut you all up as he floats across the atlantic in his car to come and see us :D

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I want to see the potatoman shut you all up as he floats across the atlantic in his car to come and see us :D


But everyone know's hover-boards don't work on water, McFly!

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i was going to ask about this one in the near. I want to see the potatoman shut you all up as he floats across the atlantic in his car to come and see us :D


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Crackin me up this is!!!


Keep em comin...

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thread revival!!!


pretty intersting and also amusing read.


is this chap a bilionaire yet? can a mod email him to come back to the thread please???

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Blimey, I'd forgotten about this one. One of the funniest threads I've ever read....

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