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I apologise in advance for even daring to suggest it mate, but is it not perhaps a little arrogant to assume that you can put something into practice that everyone else (including Einstein ffs!) has failed with for 200 years??


Just a thought :)

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I believe at my new college I will be able to do this test JMC, I am actually planning on containing some gas and get it tested when school opens up in fall. it should be very interesting to see what the results are. currently summer session is in but there are no chem classes in summer.


Bit of advice then, if (and I stress the 'if') you are making hydrogen, make sure you use something pretty impermeable to transport it in, as it will leak out of most containers give half a chance (especially plastics). Also test it as soon as possible after making it to reduce the chances of this escape further. That should give you the best shot at finding out what it is. Suppose you can check to see if you have any of the gas left in the container just before analysing it trying to light it and seeing if it goes 'pop'.

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einstein didnt fail with it, he just couldnt explain what was happening wilhelm reich came up with the idea of orgone... and once again, the other guy thats dead proved something was happening that he couldnt explain either and he was a cold fusion scientist at D2Fusion! BTW thats probably the biggest facility working on fusion in the US right now. they are only about 60 mins away from here. they are working with lawrence livermore fusion labs, to create fusion using concentrated encased hydrogen.

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how are you supposed to contain this gas as I thought was cosmic and could pass through almost anything? You would get to the lab and your Orgone would be Allgone


haha - did you see what I did there? :lol:

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I will contain it in a pyrex test tube with a buna N stopper.


Even better if you can get a Butyl IIR stopper do so - they have much higher resistance to gas permeability. It would be a right pain to lose what you have before seeing what it is...

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... wow....


Orgone is positively charged, aluminum on top of canister is positively charged, it passes through negatively charged items, your engine block being one.


I think I may need to generate the gas in front of the machine, it can pass through glass apparently...

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haha - did you see what I did there? :lol:




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einstein didnt fail with it, he just couldnt explain what was happening wilhelm reich came up with the idea of orgone...


That would be Wilhelm Reich the psychoanalyst. Not Chemist.


Orgone - a.k.a. "libido".


Now, don't get me wrong, but I don't think Austin Powers can power his Shaguar on Mojo alone.

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You would get to the lab and your Orgone would be Allgone

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :notworthy:

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yeah the whole orgone = libido thing I dunno about, that was before they knew that humans produced nitrous oxide which is what causes things to happen.


but as far as the cell goes we shall see if he was right or not.

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Well this all seems far-fetched to me, but surely this is always the way when people try to push the boundaries of science etc.


Regardless of whether this turns out to be complete tosh or the best discovery ever, we need people to question existing theories and prove/explain the (previously thought to be) impossible. Without pushing ideas we would be nowhere. All I will say is whatever you are doing Potatonet make sure you do it without blowing yourself to pieces.

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I'm noticing a serious ammount of thread neglect, just as everyone was starting to have fun too!! haha.

What's going on? has everyone fallen out of love with the joe cell or has potatonet been taken away by the cia/a major petrol company/aliens/men in white coats?

Also if Orgone = Libido, can't you start selling it in pub toliets to rub on yourself to attract birds or something?

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I don't know enough about this kind of stuff to decide for sure if it's bull****, but the fact that he lives in "goobely gop" makes me think it is. Isn't that slang for bull****?




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or maybe he's converting it to run on boswolox?

now your just being silly lol


Any day now he is going to post some videos of the car running on allgone.

and he will clearly show the fuel lines disconnected in the process.


Just you watch.....or listen, even, to the chenobyl sized explosion that you will be able to hear from across the atlantic ocean :lol:

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or maybe he's converting it to run on boswolox?

now your just being silly lol


Any day now he is going to post some videos of the car running on allgone.

and he will clearly show the fuel lines disconnected in the process.


Just you watch.....or listen, even, to the chenobyl sized explosion that you will be able to hear from across the atlantic ocean :lol:


No, no, no, no, no!

He's clearly gonna come round each of our houses in turn with the flying car with it's special 9 ring joe cell set up, and show us and let us all have a go! :wink:

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Maybe he should be doing all this work on a D'lorean.....

Sounds pretty far fetched to say the least.......

But i bet he's p!ssed with everyone teasing him.....

:scatter: :scatter: :new-alien:

Maybe we could move onto quantum leap and UFO's?

Just an idea!!!

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