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Jim's Corrado - ciao to the Fiat! Hello to.. (P64)

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Jim - have some fun whilst getting rid of the birds: :snipersmile:


Bird turd and welded on flies come off easily with the use of a wet steaming hot dish cloth, leave it draped over said poo and flies and viola after a few mins it all wipes off dead easy. Heat FTW! Pressure washers should only be used to clean driveways IMO.


Good luck with the VR MOT. :)

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VR passed the MOT no problem. Tester very complimentary of the condition of the car and how it drove on the way back.. which is nice.


Unfortunately to knock the sheen off the success of the morning, Dave and I went out for a test drive over some uneven road so that I could point out a noise to Dave which I'd been noticing on the front passenger side. Noise identified.. thought it sounded like top mount bearing. Got back and jacked the car up to find that actually the Koni damper is shagged and not working properly - could actually push the wheel up and down by hand in the wheel arch with barely any resistance from the suspension. We also noticed that fluid is leaking out of the top of the damper on the driver side. So they're basically screwed.. which is rather disheartening.


On the plus side, I've asked Dave to quote me for some Weitec GT coilovers.. :)


Also Dave confirmed that my engine does sound quite noisy, like as if the chains need doing. Weird because Toad did them a few years ago.. but its impossible to sit with the bonnet open and apply a little bit of revs and not think that it doesn't sound right. I've been noticing it for a while and thinking it doesn't sound right and Dave & Graham agreed. So I think DG are going to have the manifold, etc off for an inspection when I get the coilovers done.


Needless to say I think I'll be shelving any plans I had to sort out a VW Motorsport VSR!

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Dave found the same on mine last year Jim and I was in a rush so just bought new but, reading since then, Koni should replace them so I'd definitely at least ask the question.

Good news on the pass though!

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IIRC you have said in the past the roads around you aren't the best? If that's the case I wouldn't go for the Weitecs personally, they're a hard ride and mine are fcuked after 3 years.


I'm currently looking at GAZ's as they are similar money at ~£500 probs a bit more than the Weitecs but they have adjustable dampening and you can choose the spring rates rather than just being given uber hard 400lb german ones for that "sporty" feel :roll:


Just my 2 pence :salute:

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Hm. I knew the paint on the bonnet was really past its best but didn't expect what happened today. Was trying to tackle a particularly gnarly piece of bird shoite that had welded itself to the paint and took the jetwash to affected area - and proceeded to jetwash about an inch or two's length of paint straight off the leading edge! :gag: Now it's just primer!


Think a repainted bonnet might have to be in this cars future!

VR passed the MOT no problem. Tester very complimentary of the condition of the car and how it drove on the way back.. which is nice.


Unfortunately to knock the sheen off the success of the morning, Dave and I went out for a test drive over some uneven road so that I could point out a noise to Dave which I'd been noticing on the front passenger side. Noise identified.. thought it sounded like top mount bearing. Got back and jacked the car up to find that actually the Koni damper is shagged and not working properly - could actually push the wheel up and down by hand in the wheel arch with barely any resistance from the suspension. We also noticed that fluid is leaking out of the top of the damper on the driver side. So they're basically screwed.. which is rather disheartening.


On the plus side, I've asked Dave to quote me for some Weitec GT coilovers.. :)


Also Dave confirmed that my engine does sound quite noisy, like as if the chains need doing. Weird because Toad did them a few years ago.. but its impossible to sit with the bonnet open and apply a little bit of revs and not think that it doesn't sound right. I've been noticing it for a while and thinking it doesn't sound right and Dave & Graham agreed. So I think DG are going to have the manifold, etc off for an inspection when I get the coilovers done.


Needless to say I think I'll be shelving any plans I had to sort out a VW Motorsport VSR!


Now you know why Neil got shot of it :lol:


Only kidding mate :D


Yes, I noticed that too about the Konis. I told Neil to keep adding more rebound and let me know if it made any difference, but I suspect it didn't.

As Dukest suggested, stick with them as they really are rather good when working properly. They are guaranteed for life, but against the original purchaser IIRC, which could be an issue. I agree with Rob, the Weitecs are not Plez....

Was the lack of low speed bump resistance the same on both sides?


Chains. I've already had the manifold and rocker off as you know to replace the rocker gasket. I checked the upper tensioner whilst I was there and it was fine. If it's died between then and now, fook knows what you and Neil have been up to in it :lol:


Did Toadstool put new tappets in when he fitted the 263 cams?

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The paint being jetwashed off was on the red one Kev - not the VR I'm glad to say :)


Yeah - the Koni warranty is for the original purchaser. I didn't get a receipt for them either when I got the car off Neil so I have no idea how old they are, and who the original purchaser was so I think any recourse with Koni is out of the window.


In terms of the coilies... the Weitecs have come with a glowing endorsement from Dave and Graham who both say they're saving up to put the same set of suspension on their Corrado's which is more than good enough for me. I'm not trying to throw back advice in anyones face there (Rob, Kev) but similarly it'd be rather difficult for me to go back to them and say that I don't like what they're proposing and that I'd like to fit something else :) They do seem to strike the right balance between features and (ultimately) price. Additionally, despite only really wanting a fixed ride height, I've been disappointed with how the Koni STR.T's have settled on my 16v leaving the front of the car too tall so really want coilovers this time around so I can set the height accordingly.


In terms of the chains.. well I've been a good boy and obviously have always warmed the car up before any kind of abuse. And even then abuse would be a strong word as I just haven't been that hard on it. I figure for a few hours labour, it's worth another tear down / inspection just for peace of mind. Maybe something has come loose / sheared... I believe dukest had problems with his chains only 3 years after a full chains job so worth getting it checked again I think. I don't think new tappets were fitted Kev and I have to say I had wondered whether it could be them...

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Mate - just read that - I have a brand new spare Koni I can sell you... I'd go for that rather than the Weitecs - they provide the same or worse ride quality than the KX V1's - ie harsh! Koni's work well on the VR, stick with them.


You could grab the shock if you come round the weekend of the Volksfest?

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Mate - just read that - I have a brand new spare Koni I can sell you... I'd go for that rather than the Weitecs - they provide the same or worse ride quality than the KX V1's - ie harsh! Koni's work well on the VR, stick with them.


You could grab the shock if you come round the weekend of the Volksfest?


Appreciate that mate.. but the problem is both front ones are shot. One isn't damping properly and the other is leaking.... :|

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I'll sell you a pair then - haha!


Honestly mate - don't buy coilovers unless you have £1000-£1500 to spend.

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Have you got a good / new pair of Koni T/A's?

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The paint being jetwashed off was on the red one Kev - not the VR I'm glad to say :)


Yeah - the Koni warranty is for the original purchaser. I didn't get a receipt for them either when I got the car off Neil so I have no idea how old they are, and who the original purchaser was so I think any recourse with Koni is out of the window.


In terms of the coilies... the Weitecs have come with a glowing endorsement from Dave and Graham who both say they're saving up to put the same set of suspension on their Corrado's which is more than good enough for me. I'm not trying to throw back advice in anyones face there (Rob, Kev) but similarly it'd be rather difficult for me to go back to them and say that I don't like what they're proposing and that I'd like to fit something else :) They do seem to strike the right balance between features and (ultimately) price. Additionally, despite only really wanting a fixed ride height, I've been disappointed with how the Koni STR.T's have settled on my 16v leaving the front of the car too tall so really want coilovers this time around so I can set the height accordingly.


In terms of the chains.. well I've been a good boy and obviously have always warmed the car up before any kind of abuse. And even then abuse would be a strong word as I just haven't been that hard on it. I figure for a few hours labour, it's worth another tear down / inspection just for peace of mind. Maybe something has come loose / sheared... I believe dukest had problems with his chains only 3 years after a full chains job so worth getting it checked again I think. I don't think new tappets were fitted Kev and I have to say I had wondered whether it could be them...


Hopefully its not like my problem Jim when a pad guide bolt sheared off luckily D&G heard it and found it before any harm could be done :D


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Yes, I have a good second hand pair plus one brand new spare one.


Part of me thinks I should buy the second hand pair to save some money, but then part of me is a bit fed up of having to scrat around buying second hand stuff and it'd be nice to just buy some decent coilies.


I'll have a bit of a think. Could you drop me an idea of how much you'd want for em mate? :)

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Good news on the MOT pass mate, shame about the dampers though.


I would see if you can get a run out in a car with the coilovers on that you want, suspension is so subjective so it has to be worth the hassle of getting a ride or two to see what you think.

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It is hard to argue with individual experiences such as yours Rob. I have to say it is putting me off the Weitecs quite considerably.


Are we universally agreed that KW V1's are a solid choice? They have a lifetime warranty too don't they?

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It is hard to argue with individual experiences such as yours Rob. I have to say it is putting me off the Weitecs quite considerably.


Are we universally agreed that KW V1's are a solid choice? They have a lifetime warranty too don't they?


I've got Weitecs on mine too. As others have said if you have crappy roads the ride is a bit harsh, but on the smooth roads around DG they are awesome. Unfortunately the roads round me are utterly awful and I'm on my 3rd set of top mounts in just over 2 years. (one nearside lot only lasted about 6 months but we got them replaced under warranty.)

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It is hard to argue with individual experiences such as yours Rob. I have to say it is putting me off the Weitecs quite considerably.


Well these are just my views really, I know there are guys that have the Weitecs and are happy with them and there are also guys that think they're too hard like me. It's down to personal choice at the end of the day. I was happy with my Weitecs when I got them but I was younger and I was in to the slammed with wide wheels look and they were also my first set of coilovers, so I was none the wiser. But now I just want to drive the car and enjoy it I find them way way way too crashy, especially after experiencing Kev's V3's which are firm but a different league in ride quality!


Mine are much crashier now though because they're leaking which is due to the roads I used to live near and took to work (not as bad now I've moved mind). I avoid potholes etc so it's not like I drive in to everything, but just general old bumpy roads, speed bumps, country lanes etc, all horrible in my car now :(


As for V1's, I can't really comment not having owned any but from what Kev's told me, they're the same feel as my Weitecs ie hard (std german 400lb 'sporty' springs and fixed damping), although they will undoubtably be better quality and most likely rebuildable, not sure tbh.

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To be fair the roads are terrible in Coventry, but despite only being a few miles away from Coventry I'm in a different district council and they look after the roads a bit better round here so ride quality doesn't concern me terribly... my drive in to work is fairly decent road quality wise :)


Hmmm..... decisions, decisions.

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The paint being jetwashed off was on the red one Kev - not the VR I'm glad to say :)




In terms of the coilies... the Weitecs have come with a glowing endorsement from Dave and Graham who both say they're saving up to put the same set of suspension on their Corrado's which is more than good enough for me. I'm not trying to throw back advice in anyones face there (Rob, Kev) but similarly it'd be rather difficult for me to go back to them and say that I don't like what they're proposing and that I'd like to fit something else :) They do seem to strike the right balance between features and (ultimately) price. Additionally, despite only really wanting a fixed ride height, I've been disappointed with how the Koni STR.T's have settled on my 16v leaving the front of the car too tall so really want coilovers this time around so I can set the height accordingly.


Understandable and fair enough mate. I have no idea how far up Weitec's ladder the GTs are, but if they're anything like Rob's, I would steer clear personally, but it's your choice at the end of the day. ANYYTHING is better than shagged suspension, regardless of make :D


In terms of the chains.. well I've been a good boy and obviously have always warmed the car up before any kind of abuse. And even then abuse would be a strong word as I just haven't been that hard on it. I figure for a few hours labour, it's worth another tear down / inspection just for peace of mind. Maybe something has come loose / sheared... I believe dukest had problems with his chains only 3 years after a full chains job so worth getting it checked again I think. I don't think new tappets were fitted Kev and I have to say I had wondered whether it could be them...


Doesn't hurt to recheck things. Did Dukest use genuine chain parts, or one of them cheapo kits from FourSeasons? There should be no problems inside 3 years, or 10 years come to that, if the parts were pukka and were fitted properly 8)

I also used new (genuine) chain parts over 3 years / 50K ago and they're still sweet as :D

I'd say the noise is most likely tappets then if they're the originals, but I'm sure D & G will find the source of the noise.


Are we universally agreed that KW V1's are a solid choice? They have a lifetime warranty too don't they?


I would try John M's car first if you can mate :wink:


I was very surprised by how harsh the V1s felt tbh, and I've driven his car with and without them, so I know it's history. His is on 15s with decent travel too, so I'm not really a fan of them tbh.

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Well these are just my views really, I know there are guys that have the Weitecs and are happy with them and there are also guys that think they're too hard like me. It's down to personal choice at the end of the day. I was happy with my Weitecs when I got them but I was younger and I was in to the slammed with wide wheels look and they were also my first set of coilovers, so I was none the wiser. But now I just want to drive the car and enjoy it I find them way way way too crashy, especially after experiencing Kev's V3's which are firm but a different league in ride quality!


The danger with that comparison mate is people just write it off as Big £££ car versus a more humble one, i.e. of course it's going to be better!! But at the end of the day, we all drive the same basic car and the V3s do demonstrate what is possible in terms of handling and refinement in a Corrado. It's just a shame they're so bloody expensive. I was lucky to get mine before KW started shoving scene taxes onto all their kits :?


EDIT: Expensive, but I keep forgetting they are rebuildable....and you can specify you're own valving rates....so are a good long term investment.

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Cheers again Kev for the food for thought post. Bit stuck really. I have to say that comfort is something I like as my car isn't exactly regularly tracked, nor do I tend to be a "fast cornering" kind of driver - I just like a bit of straight line speed! Any idea what would be more on the comfortable rather than awesome-handling side of things coilover-wise?

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Cheers again Kev for the food for thought post. Bit stuck really. I have to say that comfort is something I like as my car isn't exactly regularly tracked, nor do I tend to be a "fast cornering" kind of driver - I just like a bit of straight line speed! Any idea what would be more on the comfortable rather than awesome-handling side of things coilover-wise?


I know you're not a fast cornering man, which is why I'm saying all this so you don't end up making an expensive mistake :D


When I drove it under Neil's ownership, I have no idea what the springs are on it, but it felt at the stiffer end of my personal tastes tbh. Have you been out in mine? I'm pretty sure that's the kind of thing you would be after tbh..... but how to achieve that without V3 money.....hmmmmm.... I'll have to have a think on that!


I like the route Rob is taking with the Gaz and he's chosen his own spring rates. Maybe wait and see what Rob's feedback is like before making a decision? I will be driving it aswell as he wants a hand doing the fixed steering column mod, so I will also review it :D


EDIT: Just remembered you have Eibach ARBs too, which effectively increases the spring rates on mid corner bumps. Something to bear in mind. You can afford to go softer on the spring rates :D

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Jim, my new VR has a Sachs kit which gives a superb compromise - firmer/better handling than standard, decent 40mm drop, but very comfortable ride. They feel almost identical to the Weitec kit (not coilovers) I had on the 16v. Loved that set up!

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