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Jim's Corrado - ciao to the Fiat! Hello to.. (P64)

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Sometimes bangernomics just doesn't work out that well.


Last weekend the Mercedes starting making a horrendous noise from the rear under braking - immediately thought the pads were gone so booked it into the garage who've been looking after the car for my dad for the last 9 years seeing as they know it / know him. They got it sorted really quickly - rear calipers had been siezed on a bit and had destroyed the pads. All freed up and new pads fitted - £60 please sir. Very happy and went to collect the car after work today.


Pulled out of the car park for the garage only to hear a quite alarming knocking from the front on any small pothole.. thinking that they'd stupidly forgotten to tighten up the wheel bolts I pulled over to check them all, but they were all tight - but I was able to get quite significant play on the drivers side front wheel. Fcuk... wheel bearing. Carefully drove back to the garage and they insisted I didn't drive it anywhere as the bearing seemed to have totally gone..


So despite having two bloody cars ended up having to get the bus home for the first time in like 7 years. Good time for this little emoticon I think...




Pissed off as repairs for the daily are eating into the Corrado fund now.. was going to get a new alarm sorted out with this money!

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Pissed off as repairs for the daily are eating into the Corrado fund now.. was going to get a new alarm sorted out with this money!

:brickwall: no need Jim, that's poop luck.

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Oh Dear Jim, Not good but it did make me chuckle a bit mate! been here done it sort of thing :roll:

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Indeed. Well on the plus side it does mean I get to use the freshly serviced Corrado all weekend. Darn ;)

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at least your getting the niggles out of the way early,and in the summer when your using the C more you can maybe get the daily in good working order ready for the winter slog.

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I'd love to spend a bit of money on the Merc and get it some decent alloys,


I've got a set of 17x8.5" Borbet Cs that'd fit straight onto that Merc which I'm considering selling... ;) :lol:


Seriously though, the valver is looking sweet as... one of the nicest looking red ones I've seen... The Merc looks good too, excellent for a daily driver anyway... 8)

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Hehe.. I don't wanna spend ANY money on modding the Merc - but thanks anyway mate :)


It needs ANOTHER trip to the garage - anti-rollbar bush has split on one side meaning its knocking and banging on every uneven road surface now. Who said these W124 Mercs were solid, eh?! :)


And thanks for the compliments on the valver. It really isn't that red / shiny - the camera is lying on this occasion!

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Today I fitted all red rears (thanks Jackson). In two minds about them at this point, but I was going off my black tinted lights also.. tempted to remove the tint from the old ones and just go back to the original colours.


Will leave it for now and see how I feel about it :)

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I do too Jim, especially with the black Corrado badge too...


Can you photoshop the before pic with a black spoiler? 8)

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Just tried it and it didn't really work tbh. I think I'd only do the different coloured spoiler if it were actual carbon fiber. Keep debating getting a carbon bonnet and spoiler - they're two of the most faded bits of my car anyway so would neatly take care of that problem as well as providing a nice cosmetic enhancement!

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Just a quick update on the Corrado. The weekend just gone, on the day before Stanford, treated the Corrado to some new bits under the bonnet with the help of Supercharged:


* New injectors (VW/OE) with new clips, seals, etc.

* Newer (unbutchered) throttle body

* Newer cold start injector

* Sand blasted rocker cover and upper and lower inlet manifolds

* New gaskets all round, new bolts (where Steve remebered them!)


The injectors I decided to do as I've no idea when they were last done. The car now has over 190,000 miles on it I've always suffered from annoyingly lumpy experience when driving around in town traffic and at low revs in general - sitting about 1,500RPM it was almost impossible to just rest your foot on the throttle and maintain the same speed. I've found that the injectors were really worth doing although I've found that with the cold start valve connected I still get the lumpy / jolting problem which makes me think the cold start valve is staying on even when the car is warmed up (Thermotime switch?). On the plus side, it goes like a train with it connected. Disconnect the cold start valve and it feels a bit more gutless at the top end but on the flip side of that, it makes for a much much smoother driving experience.


The clean bits under the engine bay I just decided I wanted to do. The rocker cover has been leaking since I bought the car back in 2006 but it was such a slow leak, I never rushed to fix it. When the injectors plan was formed, I'd just sourced a cheap replacement 50mm manifold and thought it'd be great if I could also source a rocker cover, get it cleaned up (to replace the red rocker cover my car already had on!) and refit with a new gasket to sort the leak.


Typically I didn't get any pictures of the actual work being done, or finished... but will grab one of the bay at some point now it's not a total disgrace. For now, a picture I took whilst monged out under the gazebo at Stanford on Sunday!

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Good to see her looking nice again on Sunday Jim. :)

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Looks great, Jim 8) Pull your finger out and get some pics up of the engine bay! :)


Looking back a few posts- prefer the half smoked tails to the all reds- just think it's a bit tooooo red with those on ;)

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If you decide you prefer the half smoked rears let me know as im after a set of all reds!! :D

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Have you got a set of normal / original lights mate? Would be interested in a trade of some sort! Decided the smoked or all reds aren't for me!

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Have you got a set of normal / original lights mate? Would be interested in a trade of some sort! Decided the smoked or all reds aren't for me!




if awigman cant help you, i have a set of orginal rears & would be open for a trade/swap for your half smoked. Can pm you some pics of them if you want ?

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Cool - the half smoked have got a little damage to the black plastic surrounds but are otherwise fine. Can get some pics for you too if you're definately interested :)


Would be more keen to lose the half smoked than the all reds in exchange for an original set of lights :)

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Have you got a set of normal / original lights mate? Would be interested in a trade of some sort! Decided the smoked or all reds aren't for me!


You wouldn't want them mate, the previous owner had a go at tinting them himself and the result was not pretty! :gag:

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Cool - the half smoked have got a little damage to the black plastic surrounds but are otherwise fine. Can get some pics for you too if you're definately interested :)


Would be more keen to lose the half smoked than the all reds in exchange for an original set of lights :)


sounds good, i will sort out some pics

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Looks great, Jim 8) Pull your finger out and get some pics up of the engine bay! :)


Finally bagged a couple today. As well as the upper + lower manifold and rocker cover, I not too long ago put a new radiator cover with new (replica) stickers, a far less rusty fan shroud and new expansion tank / expansion tank hose so from a distance at least it looks nice and clean under there :) So many random plastic clips, etc I really need to buy tho!

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Yeah I know mate - just not got round to it yet! :)

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Looking good Jim, have you protected the sandblasting with WD40 yet? Stops it staining so easy and prevents oxidisation!

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It was worth the wait- looks fantastic! Really neat and tidy :)


Where did you get the rad cover and stickers? Just about the only thing missing from my new C :(

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