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Was particuarly pissed off to discover two dents and a selection of scrapes/scuffs along the side of my C on Saturday morning. They seem pretty minor compared to some of the stories I've read on here recently about vandal damage, but annoying all the same.


Happened on the passenger side next to the pavement so must have been done by a pedestrian. Not sure what they used as it's taken the paint off where they dented it.


I was all set to finally get the dents in the bonnet sorted out this summer that I had obtained by what looked like someone having decided to sit on it last year, but makes me think it's just not worth it, if it's just going to collect other damage.

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I just got one in a very similar place on the rear arch the other day!....although it's not as sharp a dent as yours!


I was absolutely fuming when I noticed it :mad:

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Aye - looks like pedal and handlebar dents from some inconsiderate little kid's bike :roll:

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Aye - looks like pedal and handlebar dents from some inconsiderate little kid's bike :roll:


Think you might be right about that. I'd been blaming it on the World Cup and some drunken yob, hadn't considered that it might be a little kiddie on a bike!

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Going to the car on Boxing Day I noticed that some mindless tw*t had climbed on my Corrado during the night and proceeded to jump over the bonnet creating four dents and at leat 7-8 large scratches. What a wonderful Christmas present!!!!

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oh dear, they strike again! my new VR6 is pretty much dent free, and i try to keep it that way, nearly caught an old granny yesterday opening her door into mine in a carpark, just stood next to the door watching with arms folded, and a not very impressed look on my face, made her think again. as usual, these days people just dont give a toss about anyone else except themselves.

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get the dentmasters round, i had one in my audi and it cost me £20 and 30 secs later he pushed it out like brand new

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oh dear, they strike again! my new VR6 is pretty much dent free, and i try to keep it that way, nearly caught an old granny yesterday opening her door into mine in a carpark, just stood next to the door watching with arms folded, and a not very impressed look on my face, made her think again. as usual, these days people just dont give a toss about anyone else except themselves.

people opening doors against other peoples cars really grips my s**t they dont care about there own cars so stuff everyone elses they need big sharp objects sticking were the sun dont shine aaaaaaaargh

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I feel for you m8ty


This subject really sends my blood pressure to boiling point.

i can't possibley type in here what goes through my head everytime it happens to one of my cars :mad: :bad-words: :mad2:

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