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Kevin Bacon

TT Wipers (arms & blades)

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This is the cheapest I have found the Audi TT wiper arms. Local audi dealer wanted about £80 each £47 is much better. If anyone has seen better offers please post details as I will be doing this modification soon. http://www.lllparts.co.uk/en/exterior/window-headlight-washing-system/new-genuine-audi-tt-03-06-front-right-o-s-aero-window-wiper-arm-rhd-8n2955408d?cat=36&make=0&chassis=165&search=

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  M500 said:
This is the cheapest I have found the Audi TT wiper arms. Local audi dealer wanted about £80 each £47 is much better. If anyone has seen better offers please post details as I will be doing this modification soon. http://www.lllparts.co.uk/en/exterior/window-headlight-washing-system/new-genuine-audi-tt-03-06-front-right-o-s-aero-window-wiper-arm-rhd-8n2955408d?cat=36&make=0&chassis=165&search=


I just bought from here so cheers for putting up the link. Couldn't find others anywhere else.


One thing I did notice; I bought these because I thought the splines on my old Audi TT(came with the car) arms had rounded off so they were slipping on the spindle but I notice the brand new ones don't have any splines at all. I figure the 'splines' on the old ones were therefore just cut by the splines on the spindle which is slightly annoying as I didn't need the new ones at all...



Unless I have just got 2 duff ones somehow! Anyone just able to verify this?

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