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341 miles on one VR6 tank of fuel,can 360 be done surely not

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Wouldn't like to play fill-up bingo on any car TBH, would tend to encourage picking up all the crap from the bottom of the fuel-tank.....


lies, but its been said above so np :)


filters ftw :D

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['H3R4POR]you really feel the difference from a empty tank after you've filled it!!


(think about it, its about the weight of a person)


Don't you just! Steering gets heavier, handling isn't as crisp and it feels slower!


I think we worked out 15 gallons of fuel is approx 75Kg.....so that's basically carrying a 12 stone bloke in the boot, or a VR6 gearbox or my lunch.


Strange though how more weight at the back makes the steering heavier and that the same gearbox or lunchbox on the passenger seat doesn't make the car feel heavier and weird...... weird science :-)


I have extracted 500 miles from my tank, shortly after I bought it and was standard. Sounds a lot but it's only 33mpg at the end of.

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I think we worked out 15 gallons of fuel is approx 75Kg.....so that's basically carrying a 12 stone bloke in the boot, or a VR6 gearbox or my lunch.


thats what I worked it out to be too, we both must be as *good at maths as each other ;)







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No idea how you both got 75kg? 15 gallons of petrol weighs just over 50kg (it isn't as dense as water)


bah, you get the idea ;)

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I can just about scrape 250 miles outta my G60 from a full tank... :(


*wishes that his G60 had a larger tank and averaged slightly over the 28mpg she's now getting...* :oops:

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When we went up to santa pod on sunday we put in £60 of fuel in the vr6 with the price per litre @ 107.9 :(. This came out about 56 litres. We got 422 miles ot of it which was quite pleasing we thought?

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I can do the 375 miles from Bournemouth to Carlisle with a bit to spare, travelling at a steady 75-80mph easily.


If you are careful with the loud pedal, using clear motorways, have your tyres at the correct pressure and keep your windows closed you should be able to make 35mpg easily & on a full tank that should get you near to 500 miles with a bit to spare...


Anyone actually done it though...?



p.s. I only get around 8mpg on track at Castle Combe

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I've had 500 miles out of a tank once. It was pretty tight though!


It was during a return trip last summer to Beverley in 30degrees heat up the M1 (A1).


Was doing a steady 70-80mph most of the way.


I typically get more like 400 miles but with a few longer journeys thrown in, 450miles isn't uncommon. Hardly had less than 350 miles out of a tank.


I've been criticised in another thread recently for my obviously light right foot!


corozin, what are you driving these days after the demise of your old VR?

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No idea how you both got 75kg? 15 gallons of petrol weighs just over 50kg (it isn't as dense as water)


bah, you get the idea ;)[/quote:96436]


Yeah, nit picker.....OK then, a MK2 16V gearbox sat in the boot then ;-)


Oh and yep, there is no crap in the bottom of the tanks......having been in there umpteen times to swap pumps around and stuff, it's all nice and clean. The filter is after the pump, so if the pump's prefilter guaze fails to pick up any flotsom, then it's the pump itself that gets it :-)

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Seems differnent people are getting quite different MPG figures. It could be down to driving style I guess. Did ALL VR6's come with a 70 litre tank?

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I have no idea, but one thing I have found out through experience is that as soon as the needle touches red, theres no more petrol :lol:

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just thought i would say as i started this thread; I managed the jouney, we got 430 with still the red to go, that included being stuck on the M25 for 1.5 hours. (4.5 hours to drive 220miles - not good!)


We averaged 36.6mpg which i have never seen before (80mph When we could).


But as for a 70 litre tank i dont think we have one because from the sart of the red to full is 55 litres.


Either that or the reserve tank is 15 litres.


PS is saw a blue m red storm i think it was m99#hub looked good and a dark m reg vr6 going 100+ north m3 passed eastleigh friday morning just before 9am i think

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i get 23.5 out of my temp Mk 2 golf at the moment, something definatly up with it me thinks!!!


Best fix the raddo quick me thinks :cheers:

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yup, J-DUB's got the larger tank...


H-YYU's only got the baby tank, and with the Monster engine, that doesn't result in a long time between fillups... :oops: :lol:

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See, piece of p1ss mate. My VR made 38mpg all the way down from Scotland to Taffyland, but that was keeping it between 60 and 70.

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60 to 70 is just too slow it gives me car sickness ( a bit like a rough sea is ok but gentle swaying is bad)


i am still not sure my tank is a 70 litre (the gauges do say 15 g) as, if i fill the tank from mid to low red it only costs me £50 @ 94.5p per litre.


has my tank been chaged to a smaller one

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