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24V Renshaw

THE END OF AN ERA....24v V6..... ITS GONE!

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Firstly Mike put it as well as anyone could. I didn't post on your thread too often, mainly because i just stared at the screen with my tongue hanging out in awe. You, your car and last but definately not least your friendly nature and the whole way you go about things will be sorely missed around here by everyone. I've allways admired the fact that having built a car like that never went to your head and you did'nt molly coddle it either!


My sentiments exactly, got a lot of respect for you building one of the best corrados in the world (and still used it as a daily driver!). If I'd had the money when you were selling I would have bought it in a flash.


I hope you keep us up to date with the porka when you find one.

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Your car was my all time fave raddo mate.


I would ask what car you're gonna move onto after one like yours, but from the other posts, it seems kinda obvoius! :wink:

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Last sunday you was with the corrado at santa pod.. less than a wk later its sold.. madness!!

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haha... that sucks that you sold... i did the same... spent 3 years tracking it down to get it back... by the time i got mine back it was all stock basically... still bought it... sentimental value haha


p.s. A1 Rabbits are a good time if you're looking for a project haha


here's some pics of my many time show winner... always had a problem with keeping the cut out on the Bonrath MK2 bumper staying put though...








miss it... and the worst part is the kid i sold it to put bigger injectors in it and did nothing to fuel management, the CIS fuel pump cracked and basically he refuses to fix it... if i weren't buying a house i would buy it back today...

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ben just let me know ehen your selling yours now... coupehaus boys dont like rado's much ehh :wink:

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Pah you let it go to waste anyways, :D Must try harder with the next project :wink:


Best this way rather than putting up a high price and having to lower it every month till you feel like you were being taken the pi$$ out of.


Best of luck finding a sweet 911.

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Heard this from a mate on saturday, who reads the e38 forum. Didn't believe him at first coz it hadn't been posted up on here, but here it is in black and white :shock:

Knew you'd sell it eventually, but so soon??? You can't have got bored of it that quickly?

Still, must've been hard to let it go after all the hard work you put into it Jay?

Another project eh? You really are a sucker for punishment! Did you get bored of going to bed at sensible times, not staying up all hours trying to get something completed in time for a show? :lol:

Is the next project another dub, or you not decided yet?

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Heard this from a mate on saturday, who reads the e38 forum. Didn't believe him at first coz it hadn't been posted up on here, but here it is in black and white :shock:

Knew you'd sell it eventually, but so soon??? You can't have got bored of it that quickly?

Still, must've been hard to let it go after all the hard work you put into it Jay?

Another project eh? You really are a sucker for punishment! Did you get bored of going to bed at sensible times, not staying up all hours trying to get something completed in time for a show? :lol:

Is the next project another dub, or you not decided yet?



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sad pics Jay mate :'(


will always be my fave Rado though :)


gl with the new project mate

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So whats the new owner like mate? Did you tell him its the LAW for him to join this forum? :lol:


Glad I got to see it in the flesh "with its maker" before you let it go anyway ;)

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He said he will be going to ED38 with it and I think BugJam this weekend, so it will be about in the shows. Just hope he does a proper cleaning job on it :)



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I hope you'll be waiting behind him to 'yoink' any trophys off of him, that would really take the p!ss if he started building a collection!

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Personally, im gutted. But the replacement sounds more worthy...just!


Hopefully he'll sign up and well see some changes. Id love to own some corvette rims, and shall be keeping an eye out! lol


So Jay, I remember reading that you were going to look at a possible replacement this weekend...Have you bought it?!

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